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Master's Degree in Content and Language Integrated Learning: Elementary and Primary Education
Masters’ Thesis
General description and schedule Teaching Guide




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The subject ‘Master Thesis’, which belongs to the Module with the same name, allows the students to prove the competence level acquired through the previous semesters. The students will carry out their works –with a theoretical or practical approach- with the support of the master thesis supervisor. Finally, they will present and defend their master thesis, which will be assessed by the Master Committee. Thus, it will be possible to evaluate the competence level acquired in this master and the ability to carry out a thorough research work.

Master Thesis language

Students can choose one of these modalities:

  1. To do all the Master Thesis in English
  2. To do the Master Thesis in Spanish. In this case, the introduction, objectives and conclusions must be written in English

With regards the Master Thesis defence, students will use English language or Spanish and English, depending on the modality they have previously chosen.


Deadline of the Master Thesis presentation

Students will submit their Master Thesis through the SIES platform, at least 7 days before the defense. The Master Coordinators will provide detailed information about the deadline, which will be announced in the Virtual Campus. It is strongly recommended that students deliver a full version of their Master Thesis to their supervisor one month before the defence.


Students must have completed the rest of the credits to present and defend their Master Thesis.

Competences and learning results:

General competences

CG1 The respect to fundamental rights and especially those pertaining to the equality of men and women, in compliance with the Las 3/2007, March, 22. Equality and tolerance linked to the knowledge of other cultures through foreign language learning.

CG2 The Respect and promotion of Human Rights and the principle of equal opportunity, in compliance with the final disposition in compliance with the Law 51/2003, December, 2, on equal opportunities, non-discrimination and universal access of people with disabilities. Attention to diversity in the bilingual classroom.

CG3 General values of democratic societies such as the fostering of education and peace (Law 27/2005, November, 30 on the Promotion of Education and the Peace Culture). The acceptance of cultural diversity and the development of otherness and empathy linked to the content and language integrated learning.

CG4. The application of theory into practice in order to gather results which will guide professionals to new challenges in research and learning.

CG5. Updating and continuous formation in pedagogy and the teaching and learning of foreign languages.

CG6 The ability to work in team, in a cooperative and collaborative way, as well as to respect the diversity of students coming from several countries.

CG7 The ability to use media and strategies for interpersonal communication in several social and educational contexts, with the aim to promote communication in English and to favour learning through a foreign language

CG8 To adopt and attitude and a behaviour in accordance with the professional ethics, in order to improve the teaching improve the teaching ability of the foreign language and content teacher.

CG9 To participate and getting involved in the activities and events promoted by the University, to work in and for the society at a local, regional, national and international level, with the purpose to improve the knowledge of foreign languages, as well as its teaching and learning.

CG10 to respect the environment, with the aim to foster values, behaviours and sustainable practices, applied in the bilingual classroom.

CG11 To incorporate ICT to the own training and professional activity, as a resource to be able to accede to English- speaking countries.

CG12 To be able to adapt to new situations, and to develop creativity and leadership in the bilingual classroom.


Basic competences

CB9. To know how to communicate their conclusions, as well as the knowledge and ultimate rationale supporting them, to specialist and general audiences in a clear and unambiguous manner.

CB10. To possess learning skills that will enable them to continue studying in a largely self-directed or autonomous manner.


Specific competences:

CE1. Awareness of the implications of the CLIL (Content and language integrated learning approach) in the bilingual classroom.

CE2. Communicative fluency both in oral and written English at a minimum of B2.

CE3. To understand and apply the CLIL methodology in several educational proposals (tasks, activities, lesson plans, etc.).

CE4. To be able to understand and assimilate the contents of the bilingual matters related to the subjects taught in English in the bilingual schools (Artistic Education, Social Sciences, Natural Sciences, Physical Education, Mathematics), and to be able to design activities and tasks.

CE5. To be able to employ the appropriate terms in the subjects taught in English.

CE6 To identify, understand and develop intercultural competence in the bilingual classroom.

CE7. To understand and apply research methods in education.

CE8. To know the educational uses of the audio-visual stories and to be able to apply them in the bilingual classroom.

CE9. To be able to plan the teaching process and put it into practice through methodological proposals, procedures and resources, suitable for the context, in the frame of CLIL methodology in bilingual schools.

CE10. To reflect about the own experience in bilingual schools.

CE11. To be able to prepare, organise and defend a Master Thesis,


Learning results

RA1. To communicate fluently both in oral and written English.

RA2. To achieve the level B2 in the English language, as defined by the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages.

RA3. To know and apply the CLIL methodology in the context of infant and primary education.

RA4. To know –in a theoretical and practical way- the subjects commonly taught in English in the bilingual schools, in infant and primary education. To get used to the specific teaching methods of these subjects.

RA6. To apply research methods in education.

RA7. To analyse and evaluate the appropriateness and relevance of the contributions of educational research for the improvement of the quality of education.

RA8. To design projects and to implement methods and strategies for educational research in accordance with the ethical principles that regulate it.

RA9. To select and use the most common techniques for collecting and analysing information in the domain of educational research.

RA13. To elaborate and defend research work, at both theoretical and practical level.

RA15. To transmit values and respect the environment.


1. Creation of a personal project based on an educational intervention, research or innovation, with a practical or a theoretical approach.

2. Defence of a personal project based on an educational intervention, research or innovation, with a practical or a theoretical approach.

Methodology and work plan:



Autonomous work 


Total hours


Seminars /workshops /Computers room

Personal tutoring

Assessmetn sessions



Individual learning




































































Practical sessions / Seminars/Workshops



Individual tutoring



Assessment sessions




Group work




Individual learning










Exceptionally, should sanitary conditions require it, teaching activities may be carried out online. Should this be the case, students will be duly notified about the changes effected.

Assessment of students learning:

To assess the students, the rigour of the work and the acquisition of the competences expected for this master will be taken into account, as well as the adequacy of the presentation and the defence of the Master Thesis.

The assessment will be done taking into account the following percentages:

-Supervisor’s report. 10%

-Formal aspects: 15%

-Content: 45%

-Presentation and defence 30%


Extraordinary call

The assessment criteria of the extraordinary call will be the same as in the ordinary call.


Exceptionally, should sanitary conditions require it, assessment tests may be carried out online. Should this be the case, students will be duly notified about the changes effected.

Resources, bibliography and documentation:

Cenoz, J. (2009). Towards Multilingual Education: Basque Educational Research from an International Perspective (Bilingual Education and Bilingualism). Multilingual Matters.

Cenoz, J., & Hornberger, N. H. (2010). Knowledge about Language (Encyclopedia of Language and Education). Springer.

Dafouz-Milne, E. (2009). CLIL Across Educational Levels. Richmond.

Dalton-Puffer, C., Nikula, T., Smith, U. (2010). Language Use and Language Learning in CLIL Classrooms (AILA Applied Linguistics Series). John Benjamins Publishing Company.

Coyle, D., Hood, P., Marsh, D. (2010). CLIL: Content and language Integrated Learning. Cambridge University Press.

Grenfell, M. (2002). Modern Languages across the Curriculum. Routledge.

Heine, L. (2010). Problem Solving in a Foreign Language: A Study in Content and Language Integrated Learning (Studies on Language Acquisition). De Gruyter Mouton.

Hönig, I. 2010. Assessment in CLIL: theoretical and empirical research. Müller.

Lasabagaster, D., & Ruiz de Zarobe, Y. 2010. CLIL in Spain: Implementation, Results and Teacher Training. Cambridge Scholars Publishing.

Marsh, D. 2009. Using languages to learn and learn to use languages (article on the internet). Retrieved from

Mehisto, P., Frigols, M. J., Marsh, D. (2008).Uncovering CLIL: Content and Language Integrated Learning and Multilingual Education. Macmillan.

Ruiz de Zarobe, Y. & Jiménez, R. (2009). Content and Language Integrated Learning: Evidence from Research in Europe (Second Language Acquisition). Multilingual Matters.

Ruiz de Zarobe, Y., Sierra, J. M., Gallardo del Puerto, F. (2011). Content and Foreign Language Integrated Learning: Contributions to Multilingualism in European Contexts (Linguistic Insights: Studies in Language and Communication). Peter Lang.

Sheelagh, D. & Price, C. (2007). Teaching other subjects through English. Oxford University Press.