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Bachelor´s Degree in Modern Languages and their Literatures
General Direct and Inverse Translation
General description and schedule Teaching Guide


Agustín Coletes Blanco


Agustín Coletes Blanco
(English Group)
Alicia Teresa Laspra Rodríguez
(English Group)










Students whose L1 is not Spanish should possess a CEFRL B2 Level of mastery in this language. Students whose L1 is not English should possess a CEFRL B2 Level of mastery in this language.

Competences and learning results:

-Communicative Competence in terms of the components below:

    Grammatical Competence

    Discourse Competence

    Sociolinguistic Competence

    Strategic Competence

-Competecne for identifying and establishing linguistic/pragmatic/cultural equivalences between a Source Text and its correspondent Translation Text.

-Competence for identifying and explaining translation processes and problems.




Class-work deals with direct and reverse translation of the main text types emphasising discourse and pragmatic elements, as well as cultural issues.

1. Before translating: Selection, reading and analysis of the source text (ST). Intertext management: Translation and revision. Common problems. Basic resources and techniques. The target text (TT): Editing criteria.

2. General translation practice (English ßàSpanish). Problem-solving techniques. Punctuation: Language-specific conventions. Lexicon: False friends, idioms, proverbs, euphemisms and collocation. Grammar: Language-specific usage of determiners, pronouns, prepositions, voice and mood. Text: Language-specific textuality factors.

3.  General translation practice (English ßàSpanish). Narrative texts. Related text forms: report, biography. Practice: Translation, revision and feedback. 

4.  General translation practice (English ßàSpanish). Descriptive texts. Related text forms: Information leaflets, guidebooks. Practice: Translation, revision and feedback. 

5. General translation practice (English ßàSpanish). Expository texts. Related text forms: Abstracts and essays. Practice: Translation, revision and feedback. 

6. General translation practice English ßàSpanish). Argumentative texts. Related text forms: Discussion.  Practice: Translation, revision and feedback.

Methodology and work plan:

Learning and Teaching

The following learning and teaching strategies are used within this module:

(A) Lectures 1 hour x 28 – Thursdays & Fridays  – Full group.

(B) Seminars 2 hours x 14 – Mondays - Three small groups.

(C) Tutorial consultation by appointment

(A) Lectures introduce the contents of the different topics and present related practical examples. A summary of the main contents is regularly posted on Moodle for students to revise and study. Translation practice and analysis are also included. Some activities are subject to assessment.  

(B) Seminars promote guided translation practice and analysis as well as class discussion. Activities also include problem solving questions on the basis of identification of translation phenomena and linguistic and pragmatic equivalence.

Assessment of students learning:


The following assessment system is used within this module

Test 1  - Topics 1-3.  (Date pending)

  1. Translation of two texts  (Direct and Reverse, respectively)
  2. Content & Practice questions to be solved. Translation Analysis

Test 2  -Topics 4-6.   (Date pending)

  1. Translation of two texts  (Direct and Reverse, respectively)
  2. Content & Practice questions to be solved. Translation Analysis

Both Test 1 and Test 2 are planned for full group sessions. General feedback and class discussion to be carried out in Seminar sessions.

Final Exam  - Topics 1-6. (Regular Call)

- Translation of two texts  (Direct and Reverse, respectively)

- Content & Practice. Translation Analysis





The following assessment strategies are used within this module:


Test 1: Up to 2 marks

Test 2: Up to 2 marks

Final Exam: Up to 6 marks


In order to pass this module, students must achieve a global mark of at least 5 out of maximum 10 marks for the assessment activities.


Assessment criteria are established on the basis of the following parameters:


Accurate Source Text comprehension, both in English and in Spanish

Accurate Target Text expression

Correct use of translation strategies

Systematic translation analysis


Serious errors to be avoided:


Communicative failure connected with text type

Comprehension failure and/or relevant meaning deviation

Punctuation, spelling and grammar failure

Faulty translation of basic cultural references




July call. Topics 1-6: Content and Practice. Translation Analysis. Direct & Reverse Translation.

Assessment strategy: In order to pass this exam, students must achieve a minimum mark of 5 out of maximum 10 marks.  See criteria above.



Resources, bibliography and documentation:

Online resources and varia

-Content topics slideshow, students' edition, posted on Moodle after class.

-Course timetable, posted on Moodle.

-Class material for seminars, student's edition, posted on Moodle before class.

-Noticeboard for general interest news, announcements etc.

Using e-Campus to the above effects is mandatory.




Aranda, Lucía. Handbook of Spanish-EnglishTranslation. New York: UPA, 2007.


Baker, Mona. In Other Words: A Coursebook on Translation. London: Routledge, 2011.


Colina, Sonia. Fundamentals of Translation. Cambridge: CUP, 2016.


Harwick, Lorna. Translating Words,Translating Cultures London: Duckworth, 2000.           


Hatim, Basil y J.  Munday. Translation. An Advanced Resource Book. London: Routledge, 2002.


Haywood, Louise, M. Thompson y S Hervey eds. Thinking Spanish Translation: A Course in Translation Method: Spanish to English. London: Routledge, 2009.


House, Juliane, Translation. The Basics. New York: Routledge, 2018.


Kerr, Philip. Translation and Own-language activites (Cambridge: CUP, 2016).


Lappihalme Titva. Culture Bumps. An empirical approach to the translation of allusions. Clevedon: Multilingual Matters, 1997.                 


López Guix, Gabriel y J.M. Wilkinson. Manual de traducción inglés-castellano: teoría y práctica Barcelona: Gedisa, 2003.


Malmkjaer, Kirsten y Kevin Windle, eds. The Oxford Handbook of Translation Studies. Oxford: OUP, 2011.


Merino, Ana y P. Sheerin. Manual de traducción inversa español-inglés. Madrid: Anglodidáctica, 2007.


Merino, José y S. Taylor, Manual práctico de traducción directa inglés-español (Madrid: Anglodidáctica, 2002.


Morini, Massimiliano. The Pragmatic Translator. London: Bloomsbury, 2012.


Mott, Brian y M. Mateo. Diccionario-guía de traducción español-inglés, inglés-español. Barcelona: UB, 2009.


Newmark, Peter, A Textbook of Translation. New Jersey: Prentice-Hall, 1988.


O’Neill, Mike. English for Spanish Speakers.  Montserrat, 2014.


Zaro, J. J. y M. Truman, Manual de traducción/A Manual of Translation. Madrid: SGEL, 1998.



Oviedo, 13 May 2021