The subject will work on the development of the following basic, general and specific competences of the degree: CB1, CB2, CB3, CB4, and CB5; CG1, CG2, CG3, CG4, CG5, CG6; CE1, CE2, CE4, CE5, CE8, CE10, CE11. In addition, regarding the Specific Competences of the Subject (CEM), work will be done on the development of:
CEM6.1. Acquire basic mathematical skills (numerical, calculation, geometric, spatial representations, estimation and measurement, organization and interpretation) that allow the teaching profession to be carried out properly.
CEM6.2. Know the school curriculum for mathematics, reflecting on the teaching-learning process, classroom organization, attention to diversity, interdisciplinarity,...
CEM6.3. Develop and evaluate curriculum content through teaching resources (general and mathematical computer programs, information and communication technology, and teaching materials) to manage the teaching-learning process.
CEM6.4. Analyze, reason, and communicate mathematical teaching proposals.
CEM6.5. Pose and solve problems related to everyday life.
CEM6.6. Value the relationship between mathematics and science as one of the pillars of scientific thought.
The above competencies must be translated into the following learning outcomes (RA):
RA6.1. Acquire and consolidate the stochastic sense and competence in problem-solving that allow the teaching function in Primary Education to be carried out safely.
RA6.2. Know the definitions, phenomenology, properties, representation registers, and procedures related to statistics, probability and problem-solving in Primary Education.
RA6.3. Properly manage the mathematical processes and mathematical practice necessary for the teaching function in Primary Education.
RA6.4. Complete a structured view of mathematical concepts and their relationships in the field of statistics, probability, and problem-solving, connecting them with other mathematical fields.
RA6.5. Know the school curriculum of statistics, probability, and problem-solving at its different levels (autonomous, national, international) and distinguish its different forms (intended, implemented, achieved).
RA6.6. Manage the organization of the mathematics classroom, with special attention to the diversity of the student body.
RA6.7. Select teaching materials and resources (including technological ones) suitable for teaching statistics, probability and problem solving and integrate them into classroom practice.
RA6.8. Design mathematical tasks for the classroom that involve the processes of problem-solving, communication, reasoning and proof, and representation linked to the contents of statistics and probability and their intra- and extra-mathematical connections.
RA6.9. Design and evaluate rich tasks that allow addressing the diversity of mathematics students.
RA6.10. Know and manage in the classroom the most common difficulties, obstacles, and errors of Primary students in statistics, probability and problem-solving.
RA6.11.Identify affective characteristics in students regarding their perception and learning of statistics, probability and problem-solving.
RA6.12.Know and apply different teaching methodologies in mathematics that contribute both to personal development and to the integration of students.
RA6.13. Design, develop and evaluate didactic units in the statistics and probability block, and in other areas, using problem-solving as the axis of the activity and keeping coherence with the curriculum.
RA6.14. Develop a positive attitude towards mathematics and an open one regarding its learning and teaching, as an active process, socially constructed and in which error is conceived as a fundamental part of learning.