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Bachelor's Degree in Primary Education Teaching
Environmental Sciences
General description and schedule Teaching Guide


Félix Javier Mateos Redondo


Patricia Mateo Tomas
(English Group)
Olga García Moreno
(English Group)
Víctor Cárdenes Van den Eynde
(English Group)


The subject “Environmental Science” provides basic and up-to date knowledge about the functioning of the Earth as a system, focussing on the role of the human beings and their activities as part of it. The subject is prevalently theoretical and introductory, but comprises a practical section including a supervised analysis of current environmental problems. The subject belongs to the Module of Disciplinary and Didactic Training, as a topic of Teaching and Learning Experimental Science.


Ideally, students should be familiar with web-based information searching tools and basic computer use.

Competences and learning results:

The purpose of the study of Environmental Science is the acquisition of general, transversal and specific skills of the degree, as well as specific skills of the subject. However, some of these skills will be especially developed, in particular:


-    CG3. Collecting and interpreting relevant data (within a given study field) in order to develop judgments including a reflection on relevant social, scientific or ethic topics
-    CG4. Transferring information, ideas, problems and solutions to both specialized and general public


-    CT5. Developing a respectful attitude towards the Environment, in order to nurture sustainable values, behaviours and practices 


-    CE8. Developing a critic and independent relation with knowledge, values and public and private social institutions
-    CE9. Appraising personal and collective responsibilities in pursuing a sustainable future 


-    CEM4.1. Understanding basic principles and laws of Experimental Sciences
-    CEM4.3. Raising and solving problems related to science in everyday life
-    CEM4.5. Recognizing the mutual influence between science, society and technologic development, as well as appropriate personal and social behaviours in pursuing a sustainable future
-    CEM4.7. Knowing environment in a global and systemic way
-    CEM4.8. Being aware of the limits of Nature

-    RA4.1. Understanding basic principles and laws of Experimental Sciences
-    RA4.3. Raising and solving problems related to science in everyday life



Item 1. The environment. General concepts, problems. Sustainable development. Objectives of Environmental Science.

Item 2. Ecosystems and Biomes

Item 3. Socioeconomic and environmental concepts. Population and resources. 


Item 4. Degradation and environmental impact. Contamination.

Item 5. Use of natural resources and waste

Item 6. Living on Earth: functioning and environmental risk


Item 7. Global change. Climate change and greenhouse effect. Temporal climate variation. Degradation of ozone shield and acid rain. Crisis of biodiversity. Short/long-time effects. Fighting global change

Item 8. Sustainable development. Use and conservation of resources and environment protection. Historic perspective (The Great History: the place of mankind in the Universe), current situation and environmental education.

Methodology and work plan:

Students are expected to acquire skills allowing independent and continuous learning of the subject. Therefore, critical reasoning and ability to process information, as well as motivation for quality and strictness are fostered. The acquisition of theoretical knowledge through frontal classes is complemented with continuous evaluation of short essays (redacted independently by students) and participation in discussions and practical classes. Students are expected to elaborate a larger group essay using the online application Chronozoom, to build up timelines which will serve as a way to illustrate the environmental thematic chosen by the students.  That will be presented and defended in the class. Both essays will focus on current environmental problems or issues, where independent search and evaluation of information will be promoted.

Methodology will combine both frontal classes and practical activities, as well as group discussions.

In frontal classes, the general concept of the subjects will be exposed synthetically. PPT presentations and items’ scripts will be available in the Virtual Campus of the University of Oviedo. Students will integrate this information with the suggested bibliography in order to pass the theoretic exam. 

Every week an activity on general or local environmental issues (such as a discussion group, classroom practices of group essay presentation) will take place.

- Discussion group and classroom practices.

The relevant information will be previously provided through the Virtual Campus. During practical activities, students will work in small groups, analysing and discussing short documents provided by the professors. Every student will submit a maximum of three essays on the proposed issues, with a maximum extension of two pages each.

The deadline for delivery classroom practices works will be determine by the responsible professsor. The deadline will be communicated in class and published on the Virtual Campus, within the "News Forum" of the subject. Works outside the established deadlines will not be accepted. Failure to deliver the aforementioned works on the date will automatically mean failure in the subject. Once the works related to classroom practices have been delivered and evaluated by the responsible professor, and for those students who have not passed them, a review period will be opened so that the students can rework the works. As in the previous case, the deadline for the delivery of the reworked works will be communicated in class and published on the Virtual Campus, within the "News Forum" of the subject.

Likewise, for those students who enroll in the course in January / February (enrollment extension), deadlines will be established for the delivery of the works related to classroom practices, which, as in the previous case, will be published on the Virtual Campus, within the "News Forum" of the subject.

- Collaborative works

The collaborative work will consist of the joint development of content by groups of students. Groups of 3 or 4 students will be formed. The issue of energy resources will be discussed, and each group will work on a specific resource to share and discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the different resource options according to their environmental effect.

A classroom practice session will be dedicated for topic selection and content distribution. The professor may accept, reject or modify both the subject and the bibliography to be used later proposed by the students. Once the professor´s approval is obtained, the work will be prepared.

In addition to the delivery of a pdf with the collaborative work, and throughout the following 3 weeks, each group will make the oral presentation of their contribution in the corresponding training session. They will present their work in a maximum time of 10 minutes, followed by 5 minutes of debate / questions during which the authors must answer those questions that their colleagues or professors may ask them about the work done. Students will be able to assess the presentation of their classmates' work. At the end of all the presentation sessions of the work of each group, there will be a sharing of all the collaborative work.

The deadline for the delivery the collaborative works will be determine by the responsible professsor.The deadline for the delivery of these collaborative works will be communicated in class and published on the Virtual Campus, within the "News Forum" of the subject. Works outside the established deadlines will not be accepted. Failure to deliver the aforementioned works on the date will automatically mean failure in the subject. Once the collaborative works have been delivered and evaluated by the responsible professor, and for those students who have not passed them, a review period will be opened so that the students can rework the works. As in the previous case, the deadline for the delivery of the reworked works will be communicated in class and published on the Virtual Campus, within the "News Forum" of the subject.

Likewise, for those students who enroll in the course in January / February (enrollment extension) deadlines will be established for the delivery of collaborative works, which, as in the previous case, will be published on the Virtual Campus, within the "Forum News "of the subject.

Collaborative work will be subject to evaluation by the teacher according to what is indicated in the evaluation criteria.

Students who, for just cause (differential evaluation), present a individual work in an exceptional way, must follow the rest of the rules that are applicable to this type of work.

Assessment of students learning:

The evaluation will be based on the following criterions:

1.    Written exam on the concepts developed both in frontal classes and practical activities. Students will obtain a maximum of 60 points, with a minimum required of 24 points to pass. It will represent 60% of the final note
2.    Participation in activities and group discussion, as well as individual written essays. Students will obtain a maximum of 20 points, representing 20% of the final note.
3.    Group essay (written and oral presentation), for a maximum of 20 points (20% of final note).

The quality of written essays will be evaluated based on the following criterions:
1.    Appropriate written expression (orthography, syntax, vocabulary)
2.    Analysis and synthesis of information
3.    Supported argumentation of personal opinions
4.    Integrated envision of the contents, relating different areas
5.    Ethical and legal use of information (referenced bibliography)

The quality and presentation of group essays will be evaluated based on the following criterions:

1.    Clarity of both oral exposition and slides
2.    Selection and synthesis of key aspects of the written essay
3.    Ability of answering questions and clarifying doubts

A minimum of 16 points in the practical part (individual + group essay) is required to pass.
The note of the practical activities will be saved for subsequent calls in the case of failure of the theoretical exam 

Resources, bibliography and documentation:

AGENCIA EUROPEA DE MEDIO AMBIENTE (2005): European Environment Outlook. Oficina de Publicaciones Oficiales de las Comunidades Europeas y Ministerio de Medio Ambiente. Copenhaguen
AGENCIA EUROPEA DE MEDIO AMBIENTE (2008): Impacts of Europe's changing climate — 2008 indicator-based assessment. EEA Report No 4/2008. DOI 10.2800/48117. URL:
AGENCIA EUROPEA DE MEDIO AMBIENTE (2010): El Medio Ambiente en Europa: Estado y Perspectivas 2010: Síntesis. Agencia Europea de Medio Ambiente, Copenhague. ISBN: 978-92-9213-115-9. DOI 10.2800/46396. URL:
AGENCIA EUROPEA DE MEDIO AMBIENTE (2012):EEA señales 2012: Crear el futuro deseado. Agencia Europea de Medio Ambiente, Copenhague. ISBN 978-92-9213-255-2doi:10.2800/28854
BOTKIN, D. B. y E. A. KELLER (2010). Environmental Science. Wiley. ISBN: 978-0-470-41438-5.
CLIMAS. 2009. Evidencias y efectos potenciales del cambio climático en Asturias. Consejería de Medio Ambiente, Ordenación del Territorio e Infraestructuras. URL:
COSTA MORATA Ed. (2002): Anuario Fungesma del Medio Ambiente en España 2002. Fundación Fungesma. Ed. MundiPrensa. ISBN: 84-607-4439-6.
ENGER, E. D. y B. F. SMITH (2006): Ciencia Ambiental: un estudio de interrelaciones. McGrawHill. ISBN: 970-10-5616-7
ENKERLIN, E.C., G.CANO, R.A., GARZA y E. VOGEL. (1997): Ciencia ambiental y desarrollo sostenible. I.T.P. México. ISBN 968-7529-02-4.
FUNDACIÓN BIODIVERSIDAD. Ministerio de Medio Ambiente y Medio Rural y Marino (2011). Ecosistemas y biodiversidad para el bienestar humano. Evaluación de los Ecosistemas del Milenio de España. Síntesis de resultados.
Gobierno de Cantabria. Consejería de Eduacación. Ciencias de la Tierra y del Medioambiente. 2005.
IPCC. 2007. Cambio climático 2007. Informe de síntesis. Resumen para responsables políticos. URL:
LEAN, G. y HINRICHSEN, D. (1992): Atlas del Medio Ambiente. Ed. Algaida. ISBN 84-7647-368-0.
MERINO, L. Y MOSQUERA, P. (1999): Atlas de la Naturaleza y del Medio Ambiente en España. Ed ESPASA. ISBN 84-239-9297-7.
MILLER, T.G. (2002): Introducción a la Ciencia Ambiental. Desarrollo sostenible de la Tierra. Un enfoque integrado. Ed. Paraninfo. ISBN 84-9732-053-0.
MIRACLE, M.R. (1993): Ecología. Ed. Salvat. Colección Temas clave.
NEBEL, B.J. WRIGTH, R (1999): Ciencias ambientales: Ecología y desarrollo sostenible. Ed. Prentice Hall.
PNUMA (2000): Perspectivas del Medio Ambiente Mundial. GEO 2000. Ed. Mundi-Prensa. ISBN 84-7114-882-X.
PNUMA (2002): Perspectivas del Medio Ambiente Mundial 2002: GEO-3. Ed. Mundiprensa. ISBN: 84-8476-062-6.
PNUMA (2007): Perspectivas del Medio Ambiente Mundial: GEO-4.  ISBN: 978-92-807-2838-5.
PNUMA (2012): Perspectivas del Medio Ambiente Mundial: GEO-5. Resumen para responsables de políticas
POLIDURA, A. y ANADÓN, R.(2011). Cambio climático y biodiversidad en Asturias. KRK Ediciones. ISBN: 978-84-8367-343-0
Recursos web:
AEMET. Agencia Española de Meteorología.
Agencia Europea de Medio Ambiente
IPCC. Grupo Intergubernamental de Expertos sobre el Cambio Climático de Naciones Unidas.
Ministerio de Medio Ambiente y Medio Rural y Marino
Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Educación, la Ciencia y la Cultura (UNESCO).
Páginas web del Programa Internacional Geosfera-Biosfera. inglés)
PNUMA/UNEP. Programa de Naciones Unidas para el Medio Ambiente.
Página web de la Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Alimentación y la Agricultura.
Red Ambiental de Asturias,
Página del proyecto de Evaluación de Ecosistemas del Milenio,
Fundación Biodiversidad,