The general competencies in the verification memory of undergraduate degrees in Electrical Engineering, Industrial and Automation, Degree in Electrical Engineering Degree in Mechanical Engineering and discussed in this course are:
CG1 capacity for drafting, signing and developing projects in the field of Industrial Engineering aimed at the construction, alteration, repair, maintenance, demolition, manufacturing, assembly, installation or operation of: electronic systems and process automation (Grade in Electrical Engineering, Industrial and Automation), electronics (Degree in electrical Engineering), structures, mechanical equipment, energy installations, industrial plants and manufacturing processes (Degree in Mechanical Engineering), organization and management of industrial enterprises and projects (Degree in Industrial Management).
CG2 Capacity to address the activities under engineering projects described in the previous section.
CG3 Knowledge in basic materials and technology, to enable them to learn new methods and theories, and equip them with the versatility to adapt to new situations.
CG4 Ability to solve problems with initiative, decision making, creativity and critical thinking.
CG5 Ability to communicate and transmit knowledge and skills in the field of Industrial Electronics and Automation Engineering (Degree in Electrical Engineering, Industrial and Automation), Electrical Engineering (Degree in Electrical Engineering), Mechanical Engineering (Degree in Mechanical Engineering), Industrial Management (Degree in Industrial Management) both oral and written, and all types of audiences.
CG6 Knowledge to perform measurements, calculations, valuations, appraisals, surveys, studies, reports, work plans, and similar work.
CG7 Capacity to manage specifications, regulations and mandatory standards.
CG8 ability to analyze and evaluate the social and environmental impact of technical solutions.
CG9 Ability to apply the principles and methods of quality.
CG10 Capacity for organization and planning in the field of business, and other institutions and organizations.
CG11 Ability to work in a multilingual and multidisciplinary environment.
CG12 Knowledge, understanding and ability to implement the necessary legislation in the exercise of the profession of Industrial Engineering.
CG13 capacity for risk prevention and protection of the health and safety of workers and users.
CG14 Honesty, responsibility, ethical commitment and solidarity spirit
CG15 Ability to work in team
The following specific skills are also covered:
Skills Common Industrial Branch:
CC5: Knowledge of the fundamentals of electronics.
These skills are split into the following learning outcomes for the course, which are:
RTR-1: Provide an overview of electronics in its different branches and fields of application.
RTR-2: Knowing the behavior, the main features and applications of electronic devices.
RTR-3: Analyze and understand the functioning of circuits in which electronic components are present.
RTR-4: Managing data sheets of integrated circuits for analog or digital applications and use some of them in basic assemblies.
RTR-5: Manage electronic instrumentation and laboratory equipment and perform static and temporal measurements in electronic circuits.