Evaluation of the subject will rely on different instruments. Those students following a continual evaluation procedure will be evaluated as follows:
1) Through a final written examination (60%)
2) Through participation in practical seminars and homework (40%)
Extraordinary examination sessions will maintain the same principles of evaluation of ordinary examination sessions.
The specific aspects on the procedure of evaluation of the subject are:
1) The final written Examination accounts up to a 60 per cent of the final mark, and will evaluate the student’s command of the theoretical aspects of the course programme, as well as the individual capacity to apply the practical contents of the subject as presented in Seminar sessions. It will take into account the students’ critical abilities, including the appropriate use of the terminology of the subject, and the order and consistency in the presentation of the written discourse.
2) Practical sessions and exercises require sustained and active participation of students and will represent 40% of the final grades. Students failing to attend more than three practical sessions will lose their right to continual evaluation.
An essay on one topic related to the course programme will be valued with 20% of final grades, and will be presented to the class, and debated.
The remaining 20% of final grades can be obtained by active participation in sessions and through the delivery of responses to practical exercises proposed by the course professor.
By virtue of the provisions of article 7 of the Regulation for the evaluation of learning outcomes and the competences acquired by students and in accordance with the teaching guide of the subject Political Science, the following criteria for differentiated evaluation are established for the students
1. The percentage distribution of the different activities programmed throughout the course will be similar to that of the rest of the students enrolled in ordinary or full-time dedication conditions, as included in section 6 of the Teaching Guide: evaluation of the learning of the students.
2. Students on a part-time basis may complete the program of the subject in a non-presential manner. To do this they must complete all the practical activities of the subject individually with the aim of being able to answer a question in the final exam related to classroom practices.
3. They must write the individual essay and present it in a timely manner following the instructions given by the teachers of the subject.
We remind you that the Code of Ethics of the University of Oviedo is in force and applicable, which you can access from the following link: https://www.uniovi.es/launiversidad/panoramica/codigoetico"".
Exceptionally, if health conditions so require, non-attendance assessment methods may be included. In this case, students will be informed of the changes made.