Abbreviated contents
Lesson 1. Marketing scope.
Lesson 2. Marketing environment.
Lesson 3. Consumer markets.
Lesson 4. Business markets.
Lesson 5. Segmentation and positioning.
Lesson 6. Market and demand forecasting.
Lesson 7. Strategies and policies.
Basic references
Kotler, P.; Armstrong, G.; Harris, L. and He, H. (2020): Principles of Marketing, eigth European edition. Pearson Education Limited.
Kotler, P.; Keller, K.L.; Brady, M.; Goodman, M. and Hansen, T. (2009) Marketing Management Pearson Education Limited. Chapter six.
Cravens, D.W. and Piercy, N.F. (2009): Strategic Marketing, ninth international edition. Mc-Graw Hill.
Comprehensive contents
In the following section, the above cited abbreviated contents will be explained, with specific mention to the corresponding chapters of the basic references:
1. Marketing scope.
1.1. Marketing: Needs, wants and demands.
1.2. Goods, services and experiences.
1.3. Value, satisfaction and loyalty.
1.4. Transactions and relations.
1.5. The Marketing Plan
Basic references
Kotler, P.; Armstrong, G.; Harris, L. and He, H. (2020): Principles of Marketing, eigth European edition. Pearson Education Limited.
2. Marketing environment.
2.1. Macroenvironment.
2.2. Microenvironment.
2.3. Environment
Basic references
Kotler, P.; Armstrong, G.; Harris, L. and He, H. (2020): Principles of Marketing, eigth European edition. Pearson Education Limited.
3. Consumer markets.
3.1. Characteristics affecting consumer behaviour.
3.2. The buyer decision process.
3.3. Types of buying decision behaviour.
Basic references
Kotler, P.; Armstrong, G.; Harris, L. and He, H. (2020): Principles of Marketing, eigth European edition. Pearson Education Limited.
4. Business markets.
4.1. Characteristics of business markets.
4.2. The business buying process.
4.3. Types of buying situation and participants in the business buying process.
Basic references
Kotler, P.; Armstrong, G.; Harris, L. and He, H. (2020): Principles of Marketing, eigth European edition. Pearson Education Limited.
5. Segmentation and positioning.
5.1. Market segmentation.
5.2. Market targeting.
5.3. Differentiation and positioning.
Basic references
Basic references
Kotler, P.; Armstrong, G.; Harris, L. and He, H. (2020): Principles of Marketing, eigth European edition. Pearson Education Limited.
6. Market and demand forecasting.
6.1. Demand dimensions.
6.2. Measuring demand.
6.3. Demand forecasting.
Basic references
Kotler, P.; Keller, K.L.; Brady, M.; Goodman, M. and Hansen, T. (2009) Marketing Management Pearson Education Limited. Chapter six.
7. Strategies and Policies.
7.1. Competitive strategies.
7.2. Marketing strategies
Basic references
Kotler, P.; Armstrong, G.; Harris, L. and He, H. (2020): Principles of Marketing, eigth European edition. Pearson Education Limited.