Ordinary call
In the ordinary call the evaluation will be continuous, through three different evaluation activity types. The relative weight of each one is indicated in parenthesis:
- Written tests about the theoretical contents. (40%). These tests will be performed inside the schedule programmed for lectures.
- Practical lab evaluation (40%). This is done through two deliverables or laboratory exams. Both the deliverables and the exams will be related to the material developed during the laboratory practices, or about variations on the exercises made. The deliverables are done through the Virtual Campus on the stipulated dates, and the work must be individual and original.
- Group work (20%), will be orally exposed during evaluation hours. Through the course, the students must organize in groups of 3 or 4 members, which will collaborate during the school period to create some original work about a topic, and write the results of their research in a document and a slides presentation. The topic will be chosen among several topics proposed by the teachers, or it can be proposed by the group and accepted by the teacher. In the last days of the course, the document must be delivered through the Virtual Campus and the group must make a public presentation of their work. All members of the group must be present during the presentation. No group work is accepted in the extraordinary calls.
Each of these parts must have a mark of at least 5 of 10 (although there is no minimum mark for each of the tests in each part). Provided that 5 or more was achieved at each part, the final mark will be computed according to the previously given weights. This is summarized in the following formula:
Final grade = 0,4Theo + 0,4Prac + 0,2*GW (provided that Theo>=5; Prac>=5; GW>=5)
If any of the parts have a mark less than 5, the final grade will be computed as the minimum between 4 and the value given by the above formula.
Extraordinary call:
In this call the mark is composed of two parts:
- The mark obtained in the group work during the ordinary call (it can be 0 if the group work was not done).
- The mark obtained in an in-person test, consisting of a written exam with questions both about the theoretical concepts learned in the lectures and the technologies, tools, and programs used and created during the laboratory sessions. This exam must be passed with a mark of 5 or more.
The final mark in the extraordinary cal will be computed with the following formula:
Final grade = 0,8 x Written test mark+ 0,2 x GW mark
NOTE: if the Group Work was not done in the ordinary call, or it did not get a pass mark, the maximum attainable mark in the extraordinary call will be 8.
Special and differentiated assessment call
In this course, the differentiated assessment consists of exempting the student from the tests performed during the ordinary call, and from the delivery of the laboratory practices or laboratory exams, as well as exempting them from the realization of a Group Work. These assessments are replaced by the following global tests.
Theoretical contents will be assessed in a single exam, in the date of the may call. Practical contents will be assessed in a laboratory exam, to be celebrated after the theoretical exam. In this laboratory exam, the student will be asked to perform some variation on the code developed during the practical laboratory sessions. These sessions, thus, should have been done previously by the student. This can be done by the student through distance work, using the material given in the Virtual Campus.
Exceptionally, if required by the sanitary conditions, other methods for distance assessment can be included. In this case, the students will be informed of the changes.