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Bachelor´s Degree in Informatics Engineering in Information Technology
Informatics Infrastructure
General description and schedule Teaching Guide


Javier García Martínez


Luis Magadán Cobo
(English Group)
Javier García Martínez
José Antonio Sánchez Sánchez


The concept of computing infrastructure of an organization represents the group of computing equips and communications equips which provide the necessary support to the IT services required for the organization. The computing infrastructure of an organization could be understood in two main parts: 1) The data processing centre (DPC), where the database and corporative applications are hosted and where the connection of the organization, with external networks (Internet) is managed, and 2) The equips and peripherals of the work spots used in the organization to access to the corporative applications and perform other tasks.

The equipment of the work spots (computers and peripherals) is studied in previous courses. However, the computing systems and the rest of equips used in the DPC have not been seen in other courses of this degree. For that reason, one of the objectives of this course is providing to the students a wide view of the hardware and software systems and technologies used in the current DPC.

On the other hand, the computing infrastructure required by the current organizations, is such complex that it requires the use of the specialized tools and technologies to manage it. For example, in the administration of the DPC, the virtualization technologies are used, and in the management of the work spots, the tools oriented to centralized management are essentials. For that reason, the other main objective of this course is that the student learns the tools and technologies used to manage efficiently the computing infrastructure of an organization.

This course belongs to the module 3 of the degree (Systems and Services) and within this module, to the section of Computation platforms, which is formed by the following courses:

Computers and Networks, Computers Architecture, Operating systems, System Administration, Computing Infrastructure and Mobil computing. All these courses, except Mobil computing, have a strong relation to the course Computing Infrastructure, because all of them present and use concepts, technologies and tools which will be basic to the knowledge and management of the computing infrastructure.

The course complements the contents given in other two courses of the degree and which belong to the part of Networks and Services. They are the courses of Computers Networks and Networks Engineering. These courses provide to the student the needed knowledge of the equips interconnection in the computing infrastructure.



To register in this course, it is recommendable to have previously completed the courses: Computers and Networks, Computers Architecture, Operating Systems, Systems and Computer Network Administration. In all these courses, concepts and technologies which must be known by the students, to correctly develop the course of Computing Infrastructure, are studied.

The major part of the bibliography and documentation in this course is in English. For that reason, the student should be able to read and understand the text written in that language.

Competences and learning results:

The competences which the student will obtain after studying this course are the following:

ETI2.1  Capacity to select, design, develop, integrate, evaluate, build, manage, explode and keep the hardware technologies in the adequate cost and quality parameters.

ETI2.2  Capacity to select, design, develop, integrate, evaluate, build, manage, explode and keep the software technologies in the adequate cost and quality parameters.

The previous competences are developed in the learning objectives which are indicated below:

PF21  Be able to select, design, develop, integrate, evaluate, build the hardware computing infrastructure required by an organization to provide the computing services provided by the same, following the stipulated quality parameters.

PF22  Be able to evaluate, manage, explode and build the hardware computing infrastructure required by an organization to provide the computing services provided by the same, following the stipulated quality parameters.

PF23  Be able to select, develop and integrate the system software and the appropriate administration tools to the efficient management of the hardware infrastructure of an organization.



Theory contents:

T1.  Introduction to the computing infrastructure

T2.  Data processing centres (CPD)

T3.  Virtualization technologies

T4.  Storage system technologies

T5.  Storage systems and networks

T6.  Servers’ technology


Laboratory practises


B1.  Planification and configuration of the infrastructure of an example organization

B2.  Computers centralized management.

B3. Technologies and tools for the computers management.

B4. Configuration and use of the storage network.

Methodology and work plan:

The teaching activities of this course will be in-class and distance learning. The in-class activities are formed by lectures, practical lessons, laboratory lesson and group tutorials. The distance learning activities correspond to the student autonomous work and doing an individual work.

Now, there is the distribution of the hours in the different activities:


Lectures          1h

Autonomous work      2h



Lectures          5h

Autonomous work      15h



Lectures          3h

Practical lessons        1h

Autonomous work      8h



Lectures          6h

Autonomous work      18h



Lectures          4h

Practical lessons        3h

Autonomous work      17h



Lectures          2h

Practical lessons        3h

Autonomous work      15h



Laboratory practises  6h



Laboratory practises  8h



Laboratory practises  10h

Group tutorials            2h

Autonomous work      15h



Laboratory practises  4h



Final evaluation          2h



Total in-class work     60h

Total distance work    90h


Exceptionally, if the sanitary conditions require it, some distance learning activities could be included. Any modification in the original guide will be notified to the students.

Assessment of students learning:

Ordinary evaluation

The evaluation will be formed by the following four parts:

1) Laboratory practises. The student must attend at least 80% of the practical sessions and complete and submit the questionnaire corresponding to each of the sessions. This part has a weight of 30% in the final grade.

2)  Individual work. The students will carry out an individual work of practical character, and will make a defense of the same. This part has a weight of 10% in the final grade.

3)  In-class exams. These exams may be passed in two ways: A) during the course by taking two exams, in which students must obtain an average of 5 points and a minimum mark of 4 points in each one; and B) in a single final exam that will cover all the subject matter of the course. The presential tests, once passed, have a weight of 50% in the final grade.

4) Classroom activities: These activities consist of two parts: 1) the theory workbook, and 2) classroom practice exercises. The delivery of the theory notebook, duly completed, is indispensable in order to be able to take the classroom tests, both the tests carried out during the course, as well as the final tests. The theory notebook has a weight of 5% in the final grade. Classroom practice exercises will be carried out and handed in during the class hours dedicated to this type of activity. Classroom practice exercises have a weight of 5% in the final grade. Classroom activities, as a whole, have a weight of 10% in the final grade.

- It will be an indispensable requirement to pass the course obtain at least a mark of 5 points over 10 in each of the parts of the course (laboratory practises, individual work, in-class exams and classroom activities). Then, the final mark will be obtained using the following expression:

Final mark = 0.3 x Laboratory practises + 0.1 x Individual works + 0.5 x In-class exams + 0.1 x Classroom activities

- In the case of the student does not reach the required minimum mark in any of the subject parts, its final mark will also be calculated with the formula above, while limiting the mark to a maximum value of 4,5 points.

- The laboratory practises only can be done in the ordinary evaluation.


Extraordinary evaluation

- In this evaluation will be taken into account the laboratory practices approved, as well as the exercises of classroom practices delivered, during the ordinary call. If the laboratory practices have not been carried out and the exercises of classroom practices have not been handed in, it will be possible to pass in this call, but only a maximum grade of 6.5 points can be obtained.

- In this evaluation it will be an indispensable requirement have delivered and overcome the individual works to pass the course. If this work has not been handed in during the course, it may be handed in prior to the on-site test, by contacting the professor coordinating the course.

- In this evaluation it will be an indispensable requirement to pass the course to have handed in the theory notebook duly completed. If this notebook has not been handed in during the course, it can be handed in at the beginning of the classroom test.

- An in-class exam will be done about the theoretical concepts which will be overcome with a mark of at least 5 points over 10.

The final mark of the extraordinary evaluation will be obtained using the following expression:

Final mark = 0.3 x Laboratory practises + 0.1 x Individual works + 0.5 x In-class exams + 0.1 x Classroom activities

- In the case of the student does not reach the required minimum mark in the in-class exam or in the individual work, its final mark will also be calculated with the formula above, while limiting the mark to a maximum value of 4,5 points.


Differential evaluation

This evaluation model is identical to any of the other evaluations, ordinary and extraordinary.

The evaluation will be formed by the following three parts:

1) Laboratory practises. The student must set a practise infrastructure like the content corresponding to the laboratory practise of the course. This part will have a value of 35% of the final mark.

2)  Individual work. The students will deliver a report of the assigned works This part will have a value of 15% of the final mark.

3)  In-class exams. The student will do a unique final exam in which all the theorical concepts of the course will be evaluated. This part will have a value of 50% of the final mark.

- It will be an indispensable requirement to pass the course obtain at least a mark of 5 points over 10 in each of the parts of the course (laboratory practises, individual work, and in-class exams). Then, the final mark will be obtained using the following expression:

Final mark = 0,35 x Laboratory practises + 0,15 x Individual works + 0,5 x In-class exams

- In the case of the student does not reach the required minimum mark in any of the subject parts, its final mark will also be calculated with the formula above, while limiting the mark to a maximum value of 4,5 points.


Possible changes due to the sanitary conditions

Exceptionally, if the sanitary conditions require it, some distance evaluation methods could be included. Any modification in the original guide will be notified to the students.

Resources, bibliography and documentation:


Build the Best Data Center Facility for Your Business

Douglas Alger

Cisco Press, 2005


Storage Networks Explained: Basics and Application of Fibre Channel SAN, NAS, iSCSI, InfiniBand and FCoE

Ulf Troppens, Wolfgang Müller-Friedt, Rainer Wolafka, Rainer Erkens, y Nils Haustein

Wiley, 2009


Windows PowerShell: Administrator’s Pocket Consultant

William R. Stanek

Microsoft Press, 2009



Online resources

42U: Solutions for the Next Generation Data Center [online] [Last visit: March 2022].


Available at:


APC by Schneider Electric [online] [Last visit: March 2022].


Available at:


Technical documentation of Microsoft [Online] [Consultation date: march 2022].


Available at:


Powershell Documentation [online] [Last visit: March 2022].


Available at:


Hyper-V Documentation [Online] [Consultation date: march 2022]


Available at: