The assessment of the student is based on:
- Individual work of the student in the theory part of the course
- Individual work of the student in the laboratory
- Teamwork
Those three parts must sum up at least 5 points out of 10 for the student to pass the course. In addition, it is necessary to obtain a minimum mark of 3 points out of 10 in the theory part. In the case that this minimum is not achieved, the final mark will be the lowest between 4.5 and the summation of the three parts.
Assessment of the theory part (5 points out of 10)
The assessment of the theory part of the course is computed differently in the ordinary and in the extraordinary evaluation:
- Ordinary evaluation. Two exams will be done during the course in order to assess the work related to the theory part. These exams will be done individually and will be included in the in-class activities.
Both exams have the same weight in the final mark of the theory part of the course, which will be computed as the average of the two. If the student does not sit an exam, their mark in the exam is 0.
- Extraordinary evaluation. The theory part of the course will be evaluated by means of a final exam. The mark of the theory part of the course is the mark obtained by the student in this final exam.
The mark of the theory part of the course in the ordinary evaluation is not valid for the extraordinary evaluations of the same academic year.
Assessment of the laboratory part (4 points out of 10)
The assessment of the laboratory part of the course is computed differently in the ordinary and in the extraordinary evaluation:
- Ordinary evaluation. During the course two exams will be done related with the work developed in the laboratory sessions. The weight of the exams in the final mark of the laboratory part of the course is 60$ and 40%, respectively. If the student does sit an exam, their mark in the exam will be 0.
- Extraordinary evaluation. The laboratory part of the course will be evaluated by means of a final exam. At least 50% of the maximum theory mark is required to the take the extraordinary laboratory exam.
If the mark of the laboratory part of the course is greater than 50%, it will be valid for the extraordinary evaluations of the same academic year.
Teamwork assessment (1 point out of 10)
During the course, a task to be developed with classmates will be assigned to the student. Students will form teams of four members (as a general rule) of the same tutorial group. The topic of the task will be proposed by the teacher, although team proposals can also be taken into account. At the end of the course, a report must be sent to the teacher and a public presentation must be carried out. The presentation will be carried out by one or more members of the team chosen at the beginning of the presentation. Thus, all the members must attend the presentation of their teamwork.
The assessment of the teamwork will be based on:
- The teaching capacity of doing work. This item includes aspects such as: relationship to the theory concepts, ease of understanding of the work, etc.
- Report presentation. Relevance to the provided template, spelling, expressions from translations, bibliography, references, etc.
- Difficulty of the concepts involved in the teamwork.
- Presentation of the teamwork. Mastery of the subject, synthesis capacity, responsiveness to questions, etc.
- Assessment of the teamwork by classmates.
The mark for each student in the team may be different depending on the participation of the student. The mark in the teamwork of the members that do not attend their teamwork presentation will be 0.
The mark of the teamwork is valid for the extraordinary evaluations of the same academic year. There is no chance to do the teamwork in the extraordinary evaluations.
Differentiated assessment
Two exams will be compulsory in all evaluations. Firstly, a final exam based on the theoretical part of the subject, between 0 and 5 points. Secondly, a final laboratory exam, between 0 and 5 points. To sit the laboratory exam, the student must pass the theoretical exam. A minimum mark of five points is required to pass the course.
Use of materials of illicit means
If fraudulent behavior is detected in any assessment task, test or exam, the final assessment of the course will be 0 points, regardless other possible penalties that could be determined.
Exceptionally, should sanitary conditions require it, non-classroom evaluation methods may be included. In that case, students will be informed accordingly.