Ordinary Assessment
The learning evaluation is only performed with a continuous evaluation process. The final mark from the continuous evaluation consists in three parts, Theory, Lab and Group Work. The weights are the following:
- Theory 50%
- Lab 45%
- Group Work 5%
Continuous Evaluation in Theory.-
During the course, there are three exams to evaluate the student work in the theory part of the module. The two first exams will take place along the theoretical classes, and the third one at the official date which is already established for the evaluation. Every exam weight in the final mark of the theory part is: 25% the first, 25% the second and 50% the third. The weight is proportional to the teaching load in the evaluation part. There is not a final recovery exam.
Continuous Evaluation in Practice.-
In the lab sessions, individual work will have a continuous evaluation. Contents are divided into the same three blocks that theory and the same weights in the final lab mark. There is not a final recovery exam.
Evaluation of Group Work.-
A group work has to be done. It will be proposed and supervised during the classroom activities. Therefore, every group has to be made with students who belong to the same classroom activities.
If a student does not do the evaluable activities, then he/she will get a mark of zero. However, if the total weight in those activities is higher than 50% of the total mark, the final mark of the student will be “Not presented”.
If a minimum of 40% is not achieved in the mark of the Theory part or in the Practice part, the final mark in the module will be “Not pass”, with a maximum of 4.5 points. In the ordinary assessment, the module will be passed if the minimum mark is 5 points (out of 10).
Extraordinary Assessment
The evaluation consists in a theory exam and a practical exam, where the percentages in the final mark are as follows:
- Theory Extraordinary exam: 50%
- Practice Extraordinary exam: 50%
The module will be considered as pass if a student achieves a 50% in the mark of the Theory exam and 50% in the mark of the Practice exam at the minimum.
Students who achieve a 50% in the mark of the Theory exam or a 50% in the mark of the Practice exam in the ordinary assessment, they will not have the obligation of doing the part which has been passed in the extraordinary assessment during the current academic year. The module will be considered as pass if students achieve a 50% in the final mark.
Differentiated assessment
The evaluation will be the same in all the assessments. It consists in a theory and a practice exam with the following percentages in the final mark:
- Theory Exam 50%
- Practice Exam 50%
The module will be considered as pass, if a student achieves a 50% in the mark of the Theory exam and 50% in the mark of the Practice exam at the minimum.
Exceptionally, if it would be needed by the sanitary conditions, not in-person activities could be required. Under those circumstances, students will be kept informed about all changes to be made.