Learning will be assessed through a process of continuous assessment based on:
- Theory exam mark (NTC): There will be two exams each one of them with questions of one half of the contents of the course, approximately. These exams can include multiple-choice questions, short answer questions and/or long answer questions,
- Individual theory works mark (NTIT): there will be a multiple-choice question set and exercises, to be solve both in-class and out of class. These must be done by the student in an individual way. The average mark of all of them will be NTIT. To be able to calculate this average it is mandatory to get a mark above 3,5 in the 85% of the tests/exercises.
- Theory teamwork mark (NTGT): There will be a team group about some subject to be determined and an oral presentation of it.
- Laboratory works mark (NPL): It will be assessed depending on the type of each practice. Some of them will be assessed through an exam; others through small projects individually developed and in addition to it, in some cases, the student the student will defend his project in an exam session in which some modifications may be proposed.
We will check all the projects using automatic plagiarism detection tools. For the rest of the assessment activities similar techniques could be used to detect any illegal behavior. The “Reglamento de evaluación de los resultados de aprendizaje y las competencias adquiridas por el alumnado” will be applied in such cases.
To overcome this continuous assessment process the requirements are:
- Minimum attendance. In order to apply for the laboratory activities mark (NPL) an 80% of minimum attendance is required in laboratory practice sessions.
- Minimum marks: It is required to obtain at least 3.5 points (out of 10) in each of the two theory exams, and in all but one of the laboratory practices.
The preliminary score is a weighted sum, computed as follows:
Preliminary score = 0,3 * NCT + 0,1 * NTIT + 0,1 * NTGT + 0,6 * NPL
Provided the above requirements are met and if the student has taken part in assessment activities which weight in the final mark is >=50%, the final grade will be computed as:
Final score = Preliminary score
Otherwise, the student will get the mark of “Not taken”.
If the minimum marks requirement is not met, the final grade will be:
Final score = FAILED, with mark = min(Preliminary score, 4).
Otherwise, the final mark will be “Not sitted”.
Please, notice that there will not be a final assessment in the ordinary call.
July and January final assessment
The NTIT and NTGT will be kept until the Extraordinary Early (January) call of the next academic year. These marks cannot be obtained in any extraordinary call.
In the same way, if NCT or NPL are greater or equal than 4, these marks will be kept until the Extraordinary Early (January) call of the next academic year. In this case, the student must take the exam of the part that does not fulfill this condition, and he can take the exam of the part that fulfills the condition if he wishes to improve his mark (in this case, the student will lose its previous mark and it will be replace by the grade obtained in this exam).
A unique final exam will be held about the whole theory part of the course.
Laboratory practices
A unique final exam will be held. The student should deliver a unique project covering all the practical exercises developed during the course. Besides, the student will defend this project in an exam session in which some modifications may be proposed.
Calculating the final mark
The final mark will be calculated in the same way than in the ordinary call:
Preliminary score = 0.3 * NCT + 0.1 * NTIT + 0.1 * NTGT + 0.6 * NPL
Provided the minimum mark requirements are met, the final grade will be computed as:
Final score = Preliminary score
If the minimum marks requirement is not met, the final grade will be:
Final score = FAILED, with mark = min(Preliminary score, 4).
Differentiated assessment system
For part-time students enrolled on a differentiated assessment model, the assessment system will be the same, both in regular and extraordinary assessment periods, with the following modifications:
- Minimum attendance requirements will not apply.
- They will be required to take the on-site exam for each practice submission.
- They will be required to sit the theory exams.
- Teamwork will be performed by distance work with the other group members, and attendance will be required only for the defense.
The specific dates of mandatory attendance will be announced sufficiently in advance once the semester has started.
Exceptionally, if sanitary conditions so require, online evaluation methods may be included. In such case, the student will be informed of the changes made.