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Bachelor´s Degree in Industrial Technologies Engineering
Machine Design
General description and schedule Teaching Guide




(English Group)
Álvaro Noriega González


The subject of Machine Technology is a compulsory subject that is taught in the 1st semester of the 4th year of the degree in Industrial Technology Engineering, belonging to the subject "Mechanics and Materials" of the module "Specific Technology".

In this subject the theoretical and practical contents that allow to understand the fundamentals of the design of machines and their main constituent elements are exposed. In this way students will acquire skills related to mechanical engineering, as understanding and calculating different components of mechanical systems.


It is highly recommended that students have passed previous subjects such as Expansion of Mechanics, Material Resistance, Theory of Machines and Mechanisms, Materials for Industrial Technologies and Graphic Expression II, to facilitate the monitoring and practice of the subject.

In addition, it will be necessary to use computer programs at the user level, so the student must be familiar with different commonly used software, which will allow the use of the specific software of the subject.

Competences and learning results:

The general/transversal competencies indicated in the verification report for this subject will be worked on:

General skills:

  • CG1 Ability to write and develop projects in the field of industrial engineering aimed at the construction, reform, repair, conservation, demolition, manufacture, installation, assembly or operation of: structures, mechanical equipment, energy facilities, electrical installations and electronics, facilities and industrial plants and manufacturing and automation processes.
  • CG3. Knowledge in basic and technological subjects, which enables them to learn new methods and theories, and equip them with versatility to adapt to new situations.
  • CG4: Ability to solve problems with initiative, decision making, creativity and critical reasoning.
  • CG5 Ability to communicate and transmit knowledge, skills and abilities in the field of Industrial Engineering, both orally and in writing, and to all types of audiences.
  • CG7: Capacity to handle specifications, regulations and mandatory standards.
  • CG12 Knowledge, understanding and ability to apply the necessary legislation in the exercise of the profession of Industrial Technical Engineer.

Competencies common to the industrial branch

  • CC7 Knowledge of the principles of machine theory and mechanisms.

Specific competencies to the industrial branch

  • CM2 Knowledge and skills for calculating, designing and testing machines.
  • CM4 Knowledge and skills to apply the fundamentals of the elasticity and resistance of materials to the behavior of real solids.

The indicated competencies will allow to reach the following learning results:

Learning results:

  • RTM-1 Calculate the maximum resistance of machine elements in static and dynamic tension states
  • RTM-2 Design and calculate axes and power shafts.
  • RTM-3 Select the most appropriate joint and support elements for shafts.
  • RTM-4 Carry out the calculation and design of power transmissions through flexible elements.
  • RTM-5 Perform the design and testing of the gears of a power transmission by means of gears.
  • RTM-1 Calculate the maximum resistance of machine elements in static and dynamic tension states.
  • RTM-2 Design and calculate axes and power shafts.
  • RTM-3 Select the most appropriate joint and support elements for shafts.
  • RTM-4 Carry out the calculation and design of power transmissions through flexible elements
  • RTM-5 Perform the design and testing of the gears of a power transmission by means of gears


The contents of this subject correspond to the following topics:

BLOCK I: Fundamentals

Topic 1. Fundamentals of Mechanical Design

Topic 2: Stress Analysis and Static Failure Theories

Topic 3: Calculation to fatigue of machines. Fatigue Failure Theories

BLOCK II: Power transmission elements. Drives

Topic 4: Rigid Transmissions. Gears and Drive Trains

Topic 5: Flexible Transmissions

BLOCK III: Elements of Machines

Topic 6: Shafts, keys, couplings, bearings and supports


Methodology and work plan:

When circumstances require, online teaching could be used for all the activities of the subject: expository classes, classroom practices, laboratory practices and tutorials.

Expository Classes

The professor will expose and explain the theoretical contents of the subject, with special emphasis on the most novel aspects or of special complexity, integrating both the theoretical aspects and the examples that facilitate the reasoning and analysis of the exposed matter. Therefore, regular attendance at these exhibition classes is highly recommended. It is also necessary that the student complete the study of the subject with the reading of the recommended bibliography, to contrast and expand the knowledge transmitted in the class.

Classroom practices

They will consist in the resolution of problems. As far as possible, we will try to provide the students with these problems beforehand, so that they can analyze them and thus be able to raise doubts at the beginning of the class, which will be solved jointly by the teacher and the students themselves.

Laboratory practices

The laboratory practices will be carried out in sessions of 2 hours, with a total of 7 sessions. Of voluntary attendance, its contents besides to be evaluated in the section "practices" can comprise of the final examination.

Practice 1: Fundamentals of Machine Technology.

Practices 2, 3, 4: Transmissions.

Practices 5, 6, 7: Machine Elements.

Group tutorials

The sessions will be developed in small groups of students in which they will clarify their doubts with the teacher, and also encourage critical analysis and reasoning. To do this, students will be offered formative activities that must be solved outside the classroom and presented in these seminars or group tutorials.

The academic tutorials with the teachers will be requested by the students through email. The teachers will indicate the order and the hours in which said tutorials can be made to avoid that several students attend at the same time and have to wait in line.

To access the laboratories or computer rooms in the area of Mechanical Engineering, students must first ask the teachers of the subject on the access regime to these laboratories as well as on the use of materials and equipment. Students will need explicit authorization from teachers to access these laboratories or rooms.Con objeto de facilitar y racionalizar la organización docente de la Universidad, se propone la siguiente tipología de modalidades organizativas:





Class attendance

Expository Classes




Classroom practices



Laboratory practices



Group tutorials










Self study












Assessment of students learning:

When circumstances require, online assessment could be used, not only for final exams but also for classroom and laboratory practices.


The subject will be evaluated based on the following criteria with the indicated weights:

• Theoretical or practical exams: 75%

• Report and development of the Laboratory Practices and activities developed in Group Tutorials: 25%

The lack of grammar and spelling will negatively influence the grade of all documents submitted by students, as well as a sloppy presentation.

The exams will include questions of conceptual type or problems of rapid resolution, to evaluate the acquisition of the fundamental concepts of the subject, as well as their reasoning ability, and problems, of complexity level similar to those made during the semester, to verify the ability of the student in the practical application of theoretical knowledge and mastery of techniques in problem solving. The score of each problem will be specified in the statement. The exams will consist of 2 parts: a first theoretical part that will not allow the use of support material and a second part of solving practical exercises in which notes and tables of the subject can be used, being totally excluded the exercises solved.

The exercises, works and exhibitions will be individual and / or in groups. The technical content, the correct structuring of the knowledge and the use of the adequate terminology will be valued.

The laboratory practices will be carried out individually or in groups depending on the practice and the teacher's instructions. Aspects such as the previous preparation of the practice, the attitude in the performance of the same, the delivery of a record that includes the work done individually in each laboratory session within the indicated periods or the completion of questionnaires in Virtual Campus will be evaluated.

To pass the subject, a total grade equal to or greater than 5 out of 10 (50%) must be obtained, but a minimum grade of 40% must be obtained in the final theoretical and practical examination. If that minimum grade is not reached in the exam, the subject will not be passed even if the total sum of grades is equal to or greater than 5. In this case the qualification that will appear will be: 4.9 Suspense


The evaluation in extraordinary call will be made through a practical theoretical examination in which the contents of Expositive Classes, Classroom Practices and Laboratory Practices will be evaluated. This test constitutes 100% of the grade and the pass is 50%.


The evaluation in differentiated call will be made through a practical theoretical examination in which the contents of Expositive Classes, Classroom Practices and Laboratory Practices will be evaluated. This test constitutes 100% of the grade and the pass is 50%.

Resources, bibliography and documentation:

The student will have at their disposal in the Virtual Campus:

Notes of the subject.

Scripts of laboratory practices.

Statements of the problems to solve in the classroom practices.

Proposed and solved exercises.


Basic bibliography:


  • R. Norton, “Design of Machinery”. Ed. Mc Graw-Hill.
  • J.E. Shigley and C.R. Mischke, “Diseño en Ingeniería Mecánica”. Ed. Mc Graw Hill.
  • R. Mott, “Machine Elements in Mechanical Design”. Ed. Prentice Hall.
  • D. Myszka, “Machines & Mechanisms – Applied Kinematic Analysis”. Fourth Edition. Ed. Pearson (Prentice Hall).
  • C. Wilson and J.P. Sadler, “Kinematics and Dynamics of Machinery”. Third Edition in S.I. Units. Ed. Pearson (Prentice Hall).
  • G. Niemann. “Elementos de Máquinas”, Ed. Labor, 1985
  • J.I. Pedrero y A. Fuentes, “Problemas de Diseño de Máquinas”. Ed. UNED
  • J.L. Cortizo et. al. “Elementos de Máquinas. Teoría y Problemas”. Ed. Uniovi 2010.
  • Standards, Manuals and Catalogues