General competences for the Degrees in Business Administration
CG1: Ability to analyze and synthesize
CG2: Learning ability
CG3: Fluent oral and written communication in mother tongue
CG4: Knowledge and understanding of other languages, mainly English
CG8: Teamwork skills
CG12: Ability to put knowledge into practice
CG13: Creativity in finding new ideas and solutions
CG16: Ability to organize and plan
CG18: Adaptability
CG22: Integrating equal opportunities principles and non-discrimination by gender at work
General competences for the Degrees in Economics:
CG1: Ability to analyze and synthesize
CG2: Learning ability
CG3: Fluent oral and written communication in mother tongue
CG4: Knowledge and understanding of other languages, mainly English
CG7: Ability to work independently
CG8: Teamwork skills
CG12: Ability to put knowledge into practice
CG13: Creativity in finding new ideas and solutions
CG14: Initiative and entrepreneurship
CG16: Ability to organize and plan
CG17: Negotiation skills
General competences for the Degree in Finance and Accounting
CG1: Ability to analyze and synthesize
CG2: Ability to organize and plan
CG7: Problem solving
CG8: Decision-making
CG12: Critical reasoning
CG20: Ability to put knowledge into practice
General competences for the Degree in Labor Relations and Human Resources
CG7: Ability to analyze and synthesize
CG10: Critical reasoning
CG11: Teamwork skills
Specific competences for the Degree in Business Administration:
CE1: Knowing the legal and social backgrounds of markets and firms
CE3: Understanding the market forces and structures
CE5: Understanding the economic and institutional environment and its impact on business decisions
CE6: Applying the right quantitative tools in the analysis of economic information
CE9: Understanding the design of organizational structures
CE18: Planning and managing human resources
CE20: Communicating information, ideas, problems and solutions in the area of business management to a specialized and to a non-specialized audience.
CE21: Elaborating reports on businesses and markets
Specific competences for the Degree in Economics:
CE1: Knowing the legal and social backgrounds of economic activity
CE3: Applying the right quantitative tools in the analysis of economic information
CE6: Understanding the institutional environment and its impact on economic activity
CE7: Understanding the behaviour of of economic agents and their impact on market forces
CE10: Understanding the international scope of the economy
CE11: Understanding the interrelationships between economic agents
CE13: Knowing the basic aspects of business organizations
CE17: Communicating information, ideas, problems and solutions in the area of economics to a specialized and to a non-specialized audience.
CE18: Elaborating assessment reports on different areas of the economy (international, national, regional) or economic sectors
Specific competences for the Degree in Accounting and Finance:
CE1: Developing skills in financial management
CE8: Creating business developing programs
CE27: Analyzing business efficiency and managerial decision making
Specific competences for the Degree in Labor Relations and Human Resources:
CE3: Applying knowledge about business administration
CE13: Writing and oral communication skills, using the specific terms of human resources and labor relations
CE15: Ability to select and manage labour information
CE35: Applying knowledge about human resources and labour relations to practice
Learning outcomes for the Degree in Business Administration:
RA1.1: To understand the nature of the firm, its internal functioning and organizational structure
RA1.2: To identify the internal and environmental factors that drive the competitive strategy of the firm
RA1.4: To diagnose the conflicts underlying the relationship between the firm and its stakeholders and identify guidelines for action
RA1.5: To identify the threats and opportunities emerging from the national and international environment of the firm
RA1.6: To evaluate strategic options and select the most appropriate for each business unit, both locally and globally
RA1.7: To design the most appropriate organizational structure for a firm
Learning outcomes for the Degree in Economics:
RA6.1: To understand the nature of the firm, its internal functioning and organizational structure
RA6.2: To identify the internal and environmental factors that drive the competitive strategy of the firm
RA6.4: To diagnose the conflicts underlying the relationship between the firm and its stakeholders and identify guidelines for action
RA6.11: To evaluate business management
RA6.12: To assess the different problems of economic organizations
Learning outcomes for the Degree in Accounting and Finance:
RA3.1: To understand the nature of the firm, its internal functioning and organizational structure
RA3.2: To identify the internal and environmental factors that drive the competitive strategy of the firm
Learning outcomes for the Degree in Labor Relations and Human Resources:
RA2.1: To understand the nature of the firm and its internal functioning
RA2.2: To understand the main decisions related to the functional areas of operations, marketing and finance
RA2.6: To interpret correctly the financial reports of a firm
RA2.7: To understand and design the organizational structure of a firm
RA2.9: To identify the threats and opportunities emerging from the national and international environment of the firm
RA2.10: To evaluate strategic options and select the most appropriate for each business unit, both locally and globally
RA2.11: To identify the internal and environmental factors that drive the competitive strategy of the firm
RA2.13: To identify issues in human resource policies