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Marine Protected Areas
General description and schedule Teaching Guide




(English Group)
(English Group)


Non-compulsory. With a delay with respect to terrestrial ecosystems, there is a growing concern that there is a need to conserve marine ecosystems. The creation of Marine Protected Areas is only one manifestation of this trend, in which an important role is played by the spatial management of resources, co-management and other tools that were scarcely used before. This process is particularly important in the European Union, which is involved  in an ambitious plan to update the Common Fisheries Policy and to expand the Natura 2000 Network to the marine realm.


General Ecology and introductory Legislation. Written and spoken English.

Competences and learning results:

The course will provide skills the application of a wide range of fisheries management tools, spatial management tools, negotiation processes, group management, team work, presentation and defence of management and research results.


1) Introduction to Marine Conservation: sustainable development; the Río Summit; community-based conservation;  participation; develoment and sustainability indices. 2) The science of Marine Protected Areas: environmental crisis in the ocean; definition and history of MArine Protected Areas; benefits inside and outside of AMrine Protected Areas; design,  management and problems of Marine Protected Areas; the human dimension. 3) Marine Protected Areas in Europe, the Natura 2000 Network; Marine Protected Areas in the High Seas; performance of Marine Protected Areas in Europe; situation of Marine Protected Areas in Spain.

Methodology and work plan:

The course will combine theoretical lectures, practicals and discussion seminars. When possible, contents are structured following the historical development of concepts. There will be use of the classical tools, such as blackboard and Powerpoint presentations. The practical will consist of a field trip to visit a fisher guild, experience a fish auction and learn the dynamics of the institution.  The trip will include a visit to the sea to witness the functioning of a Territorial User Rights for Fishers system. During the course, the students will also develop a role play to develop a Marine Protected Area collaboratively, using spatial information and management guidelines.  Last, the students will prepare a small report on a novel or important issue to do with marine conservation, which they will choose from a menu and where they will bring about the concepts learned during the theoretical lectures, through a careful and updated literature search. They will defend their report in the classroom, by means of a 10-min Powerpoint presentation followed by a round of questions oriented to reveal deficiencies or aspects which can be imporved in their report. De forma excepcional, si las condiciones sanitarias lo requieren, se podrán incluir métodos de evaluación no presencial. En cuyo caso, se informará al estudiantado de los cambios efectuados. Exceptionally, the health situation may require inclusion of remote teaching. In this case, the students will be informed of the changes.

Assessment of students learning:

The evaluation allocates 60% of the mark to the report, 30% to the presentation, and 10% to classroom and practical performance. Exceptionally, the health situation may require inclusion of remote evaluation methods. In this case, the students will be informed of the changes.

Resources, bibliography and documentation:

Los materiales presentados en la asignatura y los recursos bibliográficos están a disposición de los estudiantes en el Campus Virtual de la Universidad de Oviedo, en formato pdf y con acceso restringido a profesor/a y estudiantes.  Se emplean artículos de actualidad y los materiales se renuevan anualmente