Benett, J. (2003) The economic value of biodiversity: a scoping paper
Caddy, J.F; Grifitts, R.C. (1996) Recursos marinos vivos y su desarrollo sostenible. Perspectivas institucionales y medioambientales,
Cavuta, G.(2003) Environmental Goods Valuation: The Total Economic Value. Gorizia Campus. Universitá.
FAO, 1996 (cap 7)
Field, B.C. y Field, M.K.(2012): Environmental Economics: An Introduction
Harrison, J., (2011), Making the Law of the Sea, Cambridge University Press.
Kiss, A., and Shelton, D., (2007), Guide to International Environmental Law, MartinusNijhoff Publishers;
King, N.A. (2007): “Economic valuation of environmental goods and services in the context of good exosystem governance”. Water 2007 Vol 2 p 51-67.
Kula,E. (1994): Economics of natural resources and environment and policies.
Krupnik. A. ET AL (2011) Understanding The Costs And Benefits Of Deepwater Oil Drilling Regulation RESOURCES FOR THE FUTURE DISCUSSION PAPER NO. 10-62
Lipton, W; Weilman, K; Sheifer, C., Weihel, F. Economic Valuation Of Natural Resources: A Guidebook for coastal resources policymakers NOAA
Parejo, L.; Jans, J. H., Vedder, H., (2008) European Environmental Law (3rd. Ed.)
Pearce, D. W., Turner, R.K. and Bateman, I. (1994): Environmental Economics: An elementary introduction. Harvester Wheatsheaf, New York. .
Rothwell, D.R., Stephens, T., (2016), The International Law of the Sea, (2nd ed.), Hart, Oxford-Portland.
Tanaka, Y., (2012), The International Law of the Sea, Cambridge UP.
For the second part of the course, focused on Marine Conservation and Marine Protected Areas, a compilation of up to date reports will be made available to the students.
Other resources
Ocean Law of the Sea: Division of Ocean affairs of the United Nations:
FAO (FOOD ANDAGRICULTURE ORGANIZATION OF THE UNITEDNATIONS) Specially, the webpage on Fisheries and Aquaculture:
International Authority on Seabed:
The World ConservationUnion: