The percentage weight of each evaluation section is as follows:
Evaluation system
Learning results
Minimum grade
Lectures and practical classes
The evaluation of the course consists of two parts: the share of lectures and seminars with a weight of 80% in the final grade and the laboratory practices with a weight of 20% in the final grade. So the final score of the course will be the weighted sum of scores on both parts: N = 0.8T +0.2 P, provided that the student obtains a minimum grade of 4 in the theoretical part. Otherwise, the grade will be no pass whatever the value of the numerical score. For numercal calification, it will be awarded to a maximum value of 4.
The practical part will be evaluated with a practical exam that will take part place during the last practical class (about end of April, beginning of May depending on the EPI schedule). The grade obtained in this exam will be considered for all the calls of the course (until the following January call). Repeating students can resit the exam or request the convalidation of the last year grade at the beginning of the course.
The theoretical part will be evaluated by:
- Ordinary evaluation: 2 exams. First one, with a a weigth of 20% of the total grade, will take place at half term. A second exam will take place at the end of the course, with a weigth of 60% of the total grade.
The theoretical exams will consist of a written exercise and may include problems, theoretical issues, questions and multiple choice exercises, and questions and short answer exercises or numerical answer.
- Extraordinary evaluation (July and January): a single exam comprising all the themes. It will consist of a written exercise and may include problems, theoretical issues, questions and multiple choice exercises, and questions and short answer exercises or numerical answer.
Differentiated evaluation:
Students which must be evaluated according to a differentiated evaluation will do the same exams that the remaining students, but the assistence and participation in the lectures and laboratories will not be taken into account.
Exceptionally, if health conditions require it, non-presential evaluation methods may be included. In this case, the student body will be informed of the changes made.