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Master's Degree in Industry Engineering
General description and schedule Teaching Guide




Joaquín García Álvarez
(English Group)
Lara Lobo Revilla
(English Group)
Francisco Calderón Celis
(English Group)
Mariella Moldovan Feier
(English Group)
Ramón López Rodríguez
María Teresa Fernández Fernández Argüelles
Ignacio Del Río Calvo
(English Group)
Alejandro Presa Soto
(English Group)
Adriana González Gago
Yoana Fernandez Pulido
Ana Belén Soldado Cabezuelo


Chemistry is a semester-long course (6 ECTS) included into the Basic Module taught during the first year of Engineering Grades. The main goal of this course is: (i) to homogenize the chemical knowledge of the students accessing this grade; (ii) to ensure that students know concepts and essential principles of chemistry and know how to use them adequately in various situations; and (iii) to provide the student with the needed skills to address the subsequent study of other subjects.

Chemical concepts are present everywhere, in multiple aspects of our daily life, the environment and the natural life, and, of course, in the performance of the professional tasks of an engineer.

In our daily life, we make use of a large number of manufactured products by the chemical industry: textiles, detergents, cleaning products, paints, cosmetics, personal care products, etc. The optimal choice and proper use of these products will be much easier if we know the basic properties of chemicals. Moreover, there is an increase interest on the optimum use of natural resources, environmental problems, urban pollution and air quality, recycling of waste materials, etc. In general, these topics are complex because they are influenced by many different factors, and it is clear that chemical concepts, such as concentration, solubility, water hardness, pH, etc., are present and they should be correctly evaluated.

Of course, there are many particular situations where chemistry is useful for an engineer. Thus, it is well known that the industry handles a wide range of materials (metals, glass, ceramics, plastics, cements, etc.) whose performance depends on its structure and chemical properties. Energy supply is a critical factor for all economic sectors. In this context, conventional sources of energy such as fossil fuels (coal, oil and natural gas) are still very important. Another example of technical interest in chemical concepts is related to electrochemical devices, which have undergone great advances in terms of their benefits and possibilities. The assessment of occupational hazards and the consequent implementation of preventive measures are issues that affect all of us, either as simple employees or as responsible. Thus, recognizing the toxicity and usefulness of chemicals requires understanding their physical and chemical properties.

In the context grade studies, Chemistry occupies a central position with respect to other sciences as it is present in many other areas of knowledge. Therefore, if the basic concepts in chemistry are well settled and understood, useful knowledge will be acquired for other subjects of the grade. The same concepts are useful for getting an opinion and/or making practical decisions on other issues and problems that arise out of the studies.


As this is a subject in the first year of the bachelor degree, it has no administrative or academic pre-requirements. Although is strongly suggested that the students have completed the following subjects (offered in the pre-university courses): i) mathematics; ii) physics; and iii) chemistry. As a guide, the following basic chemical knowledge is recommended for this course (previously studied in High School or Superior Formative Cycles):

  • Basic chemical nomenclature for both organic and inorganic compounds.
  • How to balance chemical equations and basic stoichiometric calculations.
  • Solutions. How to express the concentration of solutions.

Competences and learning results:

Through the personal and face-to-face work of the students, this subject (Chemistry) contributes to reach the following general competences listed in the Memory of the Degree:

  • CG3 Knowledge in basic and technological aspects, which will enable the students to learn new methods and theories, giving them the versatility of adaptation to new situations.
  • CG4 Ability to solve problems with initiative, decision making, creativity and critical reasoning.
  • CG5 Ability to communicate and transfer knowledge, skills and abilities in the field of Industrial Engineering, in both oral or in written formats, and to all different types of audience.
  • CG14 Honesty, responsibility, ethical commitment and solidarity spirit.
  • CG15 Work as a team

The specific competence assigned to this subject in the Memory of the Degree is the following:

  • CB4 Ability to understand and to apply the basic knowledge of: i) General Chemistry, ii) Organic Chemistry, and iii) Inorganic Chemistry; and their applications in Engineering.

Moreover, the following specific competences are part of the main goals of this subject (Chemistry):

  • To consolidate the knowledge about fundamentals of chemical terminology, nomenclature, and units.
  • Relationship between the macroscopic properties with those of the atoms and molecules which constitute matter.
  • To identify the characteristics of the different states of the matter.
  • To describe the different types of chemical reactions and their main associated characteristics.

In addition to the knowledge competences, this subject (Chemistry) also works the following skills (know-how) and attitudes (to be able to):

  • To solve quantitative and qualitative problems according to previously developed models.
  • To apply the principles of thermodynamics and their applications in Chemistry.
  • To recognize and evaluate the chemical processes in everyday life.
  • To correlate Chemistry with other disciplines.
  • To develop critical reasoning.
  • To learn autonomously.
  • To acquire skills to evaluate, interpret, and summarize chemical information.
  • Work as a team.

All of these competences and goals are illustrated in the following learning results collected in the Memory of the Degree:

  • RQU-1 To demonstrate and use basic scientific knowledge of Chemistry.
  • RQU-2 To outline and solve basic problems in the field of Chemistry.
  • RQU-3 To use correct basic chemical terminology, expressing ideas with the accuracy required in the scientific world, being able to establish relationships between the various concepts.
  • RQU-4 To apply the techniques commonly used in a basic laboratory of Chemistry, including the required calculations and expressing the results in an appropriate manner.
  • RQU-5 To develop and present reports (both in oral and written form) related with the Practice Laboratory Sessions performed along this subject (Chemistry).



BLOCK 1: Basic Concepts in Chemistry (6 Lectures)

Purpose of Chemistry and its relationship with other Sciences.

Atoms and molecules.

Atomic symbols and Periodic Table.

Meaning of the chemical formulas and chemical nomenclature.

Formulation and nomenclature of simple Inorganic and Organic compounds.

Amount of substance, mol and Avogadro number.

Atomic and Molecular Mass.

Chemical Equations and stoichiometric calculations

Basic properties of the chemical bonding.

BLOCK 2: Intermolecular forces, States of the Matter and Solutions (6 Lectures)

General properties of the states of the matter.

Intermolecular Forces.

Gases Properties

Properties of Liquids.

Properties and types of solids.

Types of mixtures of substances

How to express the concentration of solutions

BLOCK 3: Chemical Thermodynamics (5 Lectures)

The first law of thermodynamics: basic concepts.

Enthalpy of reaction and standard states.

Calorimetry and heat capacity.

Enthalpy of phase change.

Entropy, the second and third law of thermodynamics.

Gibbs free energy. Conditions of equilibrium and spontaneity.

BLOCK 4: Control of Chemical Processes: Kinetics and Chemical Equilibrium (7 Lectures)

How to express the rate of a chemical reaction.

Control of reaction rate: effect of concentration and temperature.


Equilibrium constant of reactions between gases.

Equilibrium constant and reaction quotient

Control of the chemical equilibrium. Le Châtelier’s Principle.

BLOCK 5: Reactivity Principles of Chemistry (8 Lectures)

Definition of acids and basis.

Concept of pH and Dissociation constants of acids and bases.

Acid-base Equilibrium. 

Solubility Equilibrium.

Redox Reactions: basic concepts.

Voltaic or Galvanic cells and Redox Equilibrium

Standard electrode potential. The electrochemical series.

BLOCK 6: Properties of Chemical Elements and Compounds (2 Lectures)

Most representative inorganic compounds.

Functional groups and organic compounds.

Practical Laboratory

Laboratory session activities will be selected from the following list according to the academic calendar and the laboratory infrastructure where the practical sessions are carried out.

Safety and Basic Operations in the Laboratory

Chemical toxicity. Pictograms and safety information sheets. Mass and volume measurement. Preparation of Solutions.

Molecular Models

Lewis structures. Determination of formal charge. Resonance.

Qualitative Study of Chemical Reactions

Observation of reaction heats. Factors influencing reaction speed. Displacement of the chemical equilibrium. The chemical reactions in the separation and identification of ions.

Calorimetry and Reaction Enthalpy.

            Heat capacity and calorimeter constant. Determination of calorimetric curves.

Determination of Rate Law

            Empirical kinetic rate. Initial rate of reaction method.

Quantitative Chemical Analysis

Volumetric determinations using chemical and/or instrumental indicator.

Synthesis of Organic Compounds

            Reaction conditions. Product purification and yield determination.

Redox processes and Electrochemical Cells

Redox properties of metals. Measurement of the electromotive force of electrochemical cells.


Liquid-liquid extraction. Separation of binary mixtures.

Conductivity of electrolyte solutions

Electrolyte classification. Molar conductivity.

Methodology and work plan:

Exceptionally, if required by the sanitary conditions, on-line teaching activities may be included. In this case, students will be informed of the changes made in advance.

For the achievement of the objectives and proposed competences different methodologies will be used:

  1. Lectures: during these sessions, the instructor will present and discuss the subject matter of study, with special emphasis in the most innovative aspects and those of special complexity, integrating both theoretical aspects and examples that facilitate reasoning and analysis of the matter under discussion. For this reason, regular attendance is highly recommended. It is also necessary for the student to complete the study with the reading of the recommended bibliography in order to compare and expand the knowledge received within the class.
  2. Problems Solving Sessions: During these classes, students will apply the knowledge acquired in the lecture sessions and their non-attendance work. Students will have access in advance to a list of issues or problems, which will be then solved and discuss, individually and/or collectively.
  3. Group Mentoring: The sessions will be held in small groups of students in which they will clarify with the instructor their doubts, and the analysis and critical reasoning will be motivated. For this purpose, students are expected to work in training activities that must be solved outside the classroom and presented in these seminars or group tutorials.
  4. Laboratory Practical Sessions: Laboratory practical are distributed in seven 2-hour sessions. It is student’s responsibility to be correctly informed about his/her laboratory group and sessions timetable. For organizational reasons, it is not possible to change group or session date. Only those applications with a written voucher (in-presence or job contract) shall be considered.

It is very important that all students aware the following rules that regulate laboratories:

All students must attend laboratory practical sessions, provided with the corresponding guide, writing tools, calculator and lab coat.

Attendance is mandatory.

Students should read and study in advance, from the provided guide, the general scheme of experimental work to be done. The first laboratory session includes an introductory talk on general laboratory rules and laboratory procedure and safety. Then, students carry out the initial laboratory session in which they start to become familiar with the usual laboratory material and basic operations. The following sessions begin with a brief explanation of the lab instructor, where this will emphasize the most important aspects of the experiment, while responding to the doubts that the students raised, to give way to a time when the student will work alone, following the corresponding guide. At this stage the lab instructor will help you in all aspects of the practical work and its underlying theory. Lab instructors’ explanations are combined with questions addressed to the students in order to encourage their active participation.

All supporting materials to be used for the different activities (tables, graphs, notes, series of exercises, laboratory guide, etc.) are available to students either as photocopies or in electronic format (material incorporated in the Campus Virtual).








Total Hours


Problems Solving Sessions

Laboratory Practical Sessions

Gropu Mentoring

Evalaution Sessions



Problems Solving Sessions

Laboratory Practical Sessions

Gropu Mentoring





































































Assessment of students learning:

Exceptionally, if required by the sanitary conditions, on-line evaluation activities may be included. In this case, students will be informed of the changes made in advance.


  1. Regular Call

According to article 6 of BOPA num. 147 of 26 June 2013, the evaluation of the different activities to be carried out during the Chemistry course will be:






Contents of Units 1 to 6





Practical Sessions (PA) and Group Mentoring (TG)


Solving numerical problems and answering questions related to the above-mentioned contents.



The active participation of students into the practical and group mentoring sessions, the preparation of material to be presented and discussed in the sessions, the  and the ability to communicate with their peers and with the teacher are the aspects to be considered in the evaluation of  this activity.



Written test and and/or of evaluable activities (mid-term and final exam) (60%). [1]




Students will present the issues, problems and/or do the proposed activities considered for evaluation (20% = 10% PA + 10% TG).




Laboratory Practical Sessions (PL)


The aspects considered for the evaluation of this activity are: the previous preparation of the experiment; the active participation; the answers given to the instructor during the laboratory session; the correct use of materials and instruments; the follow-up of the lab security rules; and, the interest and paid attention.



Written lab exam (12 %) and evaluation of student lab performance tracking (8%). [2]




To pass the course in the regular call it is mandatory to obtain a minimum score of 4 out of 10 in each evaluable aspect. The final score (weighted sum of the two evaluable aspects) must be equal to or higher than 5 out of 10.

FINAL GRADE = (mid-term exam x 0.2) + (final exam x 0.4) + (PA x 0.1) + (TG x 0.1) + (PL lab-performance x 0.08) + (PL lab-exam x 0.12)

[1] The theoretical exams grade is proportionally distributed between the mid-term (20 %) and final exam (40%). In case of not having a grade equal or higher than 4 within the mid-term exam, the student will be examined of the entire unitsin the regular call with a weight of 60%.

[2] Laboratory attendance is mandatory for all first-time registration students, except for the cases included in article 15 of BOPA num. 147 of 26 June 2013 who have to present an official proof of absence to the Engineering School Director and the corresponding lab instructor.

Second-time and further registration students, must contact the theory instructor before the start of the lab sessions in order to choose between: (a) carry out all the laboratory experiments and their corresponding written lab-exam (as expalind in detail above); or, (b) take a practical lab-exam and a written lab-exam, and once a grade equal to 5 or higher is obtained, the practial session of the chemistry is passed.


(a) Students who have obtained grades equal or higher than 4 in each of the evaluable aspects of the course, will obtain a Final Grade calculated according to the weighted average indicated above.

(b) For those students who have NOT obtained grades equal to or higher than 4 in each of the evaluable aspects of the course, the Final Grade will be:

- Students with a grade lower than 4 in the thoeretical part of the course but, having passed the rest of the evaluable aspects, the Final Grade that will be registered will be the one corresponding to the theoretical part.

- Students with a grade lower than 4 in the PL, PA and/or TG of the course but, having passed the theoretical aspect of the course, the Final Grade that will be registered will be 4 out of 10 points.

- According to article 18 of BOPA num. 147 of 6 June 2013, those students who have not participated (and, therefore have not been evaluated) in at least 50% of the course activities, will get a Final Grade as NP (No Presentado).

Exceptionally, if sanitary conditions require it, on-line evaluation methods may be included. In this case, all students will be informed of the changes made.

  1. Blended Learning Mode

According to article 7.2 of University of Oviedo evaluation regulation, the evaluation of the different activities to be carried out during the Chemistry course for the recognized students under the blended learning mode will be:






1) Contents of units 1 to 6; practical and group mentoring sessions.



Solving numerical problems and answering questions related to the above-mentioned contents.



Written exam including the content of all units.




2) Laboratory Practical Sessions

Option A: Blended learning students that could NOT ATTEND the laboratory sessions.



The aspects considered for the evaluation of this activity are: the correct use of materials and instruments; the follow-up of the lab security rules; and, the interest and paid attention.



Written lab-exam (12%)and practical lab-exam (8%).




2) Laboratory Practical Sessions

Option B: Blended learning students that could ATTEND the laboratory sessions.



The aspects considered for the evaluation of this activity are: the previous preparation of the experiment; the active participation; the answers given to the instructor during the laboratory session; the lcorrect use of materials and instruments; the follow-up of the lab security rules; and, the interest and paid attention.



Written lab exam (12 %) and evaluation of student lab performance tracking (8%).





Blended learning students that are able and want to be evaluated as regular call students could apply for such modality.

Alternatively, blended learning students who do have the opportunity to perform laboratory practical sessions in their ordinary period of completion will receive the same criteria and evaluation tools as apply to regular call students. To facilitate laboratory assistance, it will be allowed, as far as possible and with the corresponding justification, to exchange group and/or date in the practical laboratory sessions schedule.

To pass the course in the regular call it is mandatory to obtain a minimum score of 4 out of 10 in each evaluable aspect. The final score (weighted sum of the two evaluable aspects) must be equal to or higher than 5 out of 10.

The Final Grade will be calculated according to the instructions included in the regular call section.

Exceptionally, if sanitary conditions require it, on-line evaluation methods may be included. In this case, all students will be informed of the changes made.


According to the evaluation regulation of the University of Oviedo (Article 6), in order to pass a course in extraordinary calls, the student will have to do a final exam consisting of the written test and the practical exam.






Contents of all units


Solving numerical problems and answering questions related to the above-mentioned contents.



Written test

(Final exam: extraordinary call).




Laboratory Practical Sessions


The aspects considered for the evaluation of this activity are: the correct use of materials and instruments; the follow-up of the lab security rules; and, the interest and paid attention.


Written lab-exam (12%)and practical lab-exam (8%).



To pass the subject in an extraordinary call it is necessary to obtain a numerical qualification equal to or greater than 5 out of 10 in both the written test and the practical exam.

Students who have passed the laboratory practical session in the ordinary convocation will be able to validate the laboratory experimentation test for the note previously obtained.

Students who have to repeat the practical lab-exam and the corresponding written lab-exam, will only repeat them if they have obtained a grade equal or higher than 5 on the theoretical final exam.

The Final Grade will be calculated according to the instructions included in the regular call section.

Exceptionally, if sanitary conditions require it, on-line evaluation methods may be included. In this case, all students will be informed of the changes made.

Resources, bibliography and documentation:

All on-site activities will make use of the overhead projector. Teachers will upload in the Virtual Campus platform a variety of documents on support of the lectures, as well as the series of exercises corresponding to each topic. The following textbooks (available at the libraries of the Campus) are recommended.

  • Brown, Lemay, Bursten, Murphy, Woodward and Stoltzfus Chemistry: The Central Science. 13th International Edition. Pearson.
  • Petrucci, Herring, Madura and Bissonnette. General Chemistry: Principles and Modern Applications. 11th Edition. Pearson.
  • Chang and Golsby. Chemistry. 11th Edition. McGraw-Hill.
  • Brown & Holme. Chemistry for Engineering Students.·2nd International Edition Brooks/Cole Editor. 2011
  • Reboiras, Química: La Ciencia Básica. Ed. Thomson-Paraninfo.

The aforementioned books are all related with General Chemistry as: i) cover all the aspects of this subject; ii) solve in detail many exercises; and iii) contain much more information. We strongly recommend that all students use some of these reference texts, or any other book of General Chemistry, as support material for the study of the subject.