The course programme of the subject is organized in two parts or sections. Each of these parts is divided into four different units.
Part 1. The Sociological Perspective
Unit 1. Sociology as a form of observation: social change and the origins of Sociology; the sociological perspective in everyday life; questions of epistemological nature; questions of technical nature; methodology of sociological investigation; how to design a sociological research project.
Unit 2. The human being in society: society as a phenomenon sui generis; social roles and functions; social groups; primary and secondary groups; social networks; organizations.
Unit 3. Society in the human being: the social construction of reality; socialization: process, agents and results; development of personality and personal identities; the person as a repertoire of social roles; social deviation; structural and process analyses.
Part 2. Social Structures and Social Change
Unit 4. Societal change and evolution: principal theories of change and social evolutions; factors of social change; principal patterns of transformation of today’s society; information society, knowledge society and globalization.
Unit 5. Social inequalities and stratification: social inequalities; social stratification; types of social stratification; poverty and exclusion; discrimination: concept and types; social mobility; the Welfare Sate; global inequalities and international cooperation.
Unit 6. Demographic dynamics and cultural diversity: natural population shift; birthrate, marriage and mortality; migration movements; demographic dynamics and population structure; international migrations and cultural diversity; ethnocentrism; multiculturalism and interculturalism.
Unit 7. Families: concept and functions of the family; types of families in history and related to cultural diversity; recent evolution of the family; structure and functioning of the family; intergenerational conflict; family, community and society.