- Characteristics of the sociological perspective
- Theoretical perspectives in Sociology.
Basic references:
- Macionis y Plummer (2012): Sociología. 4ª edición, Madrid: Pearson, Capítulo 1 y Capítulo 2, pp. 4-10 y 27-32.
Unit 1. Society, culture, and socialization
- Concepts of society and culture
- Socialization as an interrelation between the society, the culture, and the individual
- The process of socialization: definition and stages
- Agents and contexts of socialization: family, school, peer group, and the media
- Mechanisms of social control.
Basic references:
- Fernández Palomares, F. (2003): Sociología de la Educación, Madrid, Pearson. Capítulo 8, pp. 205-260.
- Julio Iglesias de Ussel y Antonio Trinidad Requena (2010) Leer la sociedad: una introducción a la sociología general, Tecnos, 3 edición, Capítulo 6. Socialización.
Unit 2. Social structure and models of society
- Types of society: segmental, feudal, class, network society.
- Social change: traditional society versus modern, industrial society.
- The educational system as historical and social construction: scholastic system, liberal system, technocratic system, and social democratic model.
Basic references:
- Fernández Palomares, F. (2003): Sociología de la Educación, Madrid: Pearson, Capítulo 2 y Capítulo 4, pp. 43-45 y 87-108.
Unit 3. Education and modenr socety: social functions of education
- The school as an institution
- Concept of function: manifest and latent functions.
- The function of guard and custody.
- The function of social cohesion and construction of national identities.
- Training for work and distribution of social positions.
Basic reference:
- Fernández Palomares, F. (2003) Sociología de la Educación. Madrid: Pearson, Capítulo 5, pp.117-142.
- Fernández Palomares, F. (2003) Sociología de la Educación. Madrid: Pearson, Capítulo 7, pp.165-199.
Unit 4. Relation family-school: education and social classes.
- Definition and nature of the family
- Theoretical analysis of the family
- Changes in the family: Towards a postmodern family?
- Influence of the family on educational success: theories of reproduction and resistance.
Basic references:
- Macionis y Plummer (2012): Sociología. 4ª edición, Madrid: Pearson, Capítulo 18, pp. 537-560.
- Fernández Palomares, F. (2003): Sociología de la Educación, Madrid: Pearson. Capítulo 8, pp. 216-223.
Unit 5. Education and social stratification.
- Concept and types of stratification.
- Theories to explain social stratification
Basic references:
- Macionis y Plummer (2012): Sociología. 4ª edición, Madrid: Pearson, Capítulo 8, pp. 214-238.
- Fernández Palomares, F. (2003). Sociología de la Educación. Madrid: Pearson, Capítulo 6, pp. 143-164
Unit 6. Education and social discrimination (gender, ethnicity and immigration)
- Gender inequality: the role of the education system
- Ethnic inequality: the role of the school.
- Case study: “los gitanos en la escuela paya.
Basic references:
- Fernández Palomares, F. (2003). Sociología de la Educación. Madrid: Pearson, Capítulo 13, pp. 367-381.
- Fernández Enguita, M. (1991) Alumnos gitanos en la escuela paya, Barcelona, Ariel.
Unit 7. School and classroom as systems of social interaction
- Teachers as a social category
- Teachers as a status group; The process of professional socialization
- Teachers as educational agents
- The social construction of student status
- The unequal distribution of power in the classroom
- What happens in classrooms?
- Violence in the classroom.
Basic reference:
- Fernández Palomares, F. (2003) Sociología de la Educación. Madrid: Pearson, Capítulos 11 y 12, pp. 307-356.