Basic Competences:
CB6 Be original in the development and application of ideas, within a research environment.
CB7 Solution of problem in new and unfamiliar multidisciplinary environments, related to its knowledge area.
CB8 Integration of knowledge, facing the complexity of issuing judgments and sentences parting from some information that includes ethic and social liability constraints.
CB9 Ability of communicating justified decisions and conclusions, to specialized and unspecialized listeners.
CB10 Ability of autonomous learning.
Generic Competences:
CG3 To know the fundamnetal mathematical tools used in the analysis, modelling and simualtion of power systems.
CG10 Ability to manage information: search, analysis and synthesis of the specific technical information.
CG11 Ability to assimilate and communicate information in English concerning technical
CG12 Ability to plan and organize work
CG13 Skills for critical reasoning, making decisions and making judgments based on information that include reflecting on social and ethical responsibilities of professional activity
CG14 Concern for quality and achievement motivation
Specific Competences:
CE3 Ability to understand the basics of the dynamic modelling of electrical power systems.
CE5 Characterization, operation and design of electronic topologies and control methods for electric energy conversion.
CE6 Identification of the main characteristics, design strategies and the constructive elements and materials of the Electrical Power Systems.
CE16 Ability to analyse the different strategies for grid connection, for both technical and economic points of view.
Learning Outcomes:
RA137 To understand the concept of flexible AC transmission.
RA138 To know the different existing FACTS devices and their operation.
RA139 To know and understand the operation of transmission systems (HVDC).