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Bachelor's Degree in Primary Education Teaching
Volumen and Projects in Arts
General description and schedule Teaching Guide




(English Group)


Optional and complementary subject to the annual course taken in the second year of the degree Plastic Expression and its Didactics.

In this subject, the student will have the opportunity to continue training in art education and its use in the primary classroom. Specifically, in the appropriation of space, so necessary for teacher training. The space that surrounds us and the connection with it, discovering how the use of this space reverts in education and how we can generate projects that help us in the full formation of the individual. This understanding requires the defence of the closest environment, the learning environment. That of the region in which we live and that of the ecosystem in general, through art, learning to know oneself and to value the space where we live.


There are no specific requirements to take this subject other than personal interest; however, it may help to have previously taken the compulsory annual subject Didactics of Artistic Education in the previous year.

The subject is taught in English.

Competences and learning results:

During the development of this subject we will work on the acquisition of the following competences:

 General and transversal (GC)

GC5 Maintain an attitude of respect for the environment in order to promote sustainable values, behaviour and practices.

CG6 Incorporate technology in education into their training and professional education.

GC7 Know how to adapt to new situations by developing a critical and leadership spirit.

GC8 That students develop an ethical commitment to respect fundamental rights, guaranteeing the effective equality of men and women, equal opportunities, non-discrimination and universal accessibility for people with disabilities, as well as the values of a culture of peace and democratic values.

GC1 Work as part of a team, in a disciplinary and interdisciplinary manner, in a cooperative and collaborative way, respecting diversity.

GC2 Use interpersonal communication means and strategies in different social and educational contexts.

GC3 Adopt an attitude and behaviour in accordance with professional ethics.       

GC4 Participate and get involved in activities and events promoted by the University, as well as working with and in society at local, regional, national and international level.


In addition to the general and transversal competences, this subject assumes the following specific competences of the degree: CE1, CE2, CE4, CE5, CE7, CE8, CE9, CE10, CE11.


Subject specific (CEM)

CEM 14.1 To know a wide variety of techniques and expressive resources suitable for the development of plastic expression in Primary Education.

CEM 14.2 Elaborate a personal expressive proposal in which different techniques and expressive resources can be integrated.

CEM 14.3 Elaborate an artist's book in which the image is the main element and identify this project as an opportunity to develop the objectives and contents of the stage referred to artistic and cultural competence.


Learning outcomes (RA)

RA 14.1 To develop individual and group expressive projects in which drawing, printing and volume can become expressive and educational resources for the Primary Education stage.

RA 14.2 Carry out activities of representation and plastic experimentation, in which techniques and materials become opportunities for the development of sensorial, creative and symbolic capacities of children in Primary Education.


Practical subject in the form of a workshop through the basic techniques and procedures of Volume and Plastic Expression Projects. The subject will adopt the format of an educational and expressive project, in which the student will integrate the different learning processes. The contents developed will be:


- Fundamental aspects of the practice of the expression workshop.

- Active methodologies, materials and tools.

- Drawing and printing techniques.

- Volume and space: modelling and construction.

- Contemporary artistic references.

- Artistic-educational projects.


The aim is to offer the teacher in training a framework for reflection and consideration of the techniques, processes and procedures for the elaboration of visual messages and artistic-educational projects.

Methodology and work plan:

The aim will be at all times to encourage students' critical, reflective, thinking and working skills, promoting progressive, experience-based, multidimensional, practical and applicable learning. In addition, the learning outcomes set out in the degree report corresponding to the subject in which the course is included will be achieved.


Personal and group initiative, participation and collective construction will be encouraged at all times, respecting individual differences and promoting diverse concerns.


The basic contents of the subject will be developed by the teacher using a practical and reflective methodology.


Other significant learning will also be carried out by the students through their participation in the classroom and in the virtual learning campus (see the corresponding section 8 "Resources", in materials, on the platform), and individual and group work. The role of the teacher will consist of facilitating, mediating, guiding and promoting learning skills.


In the development of the subject, the requirements of the methodological change recognised by the new EHEA are considered, using a combination of different methodologies or organisational modalities:


-        Theoretical classes: Theoretical or practical activities taught in a fundamentally expository manner by the lecturer. For the student they will be ____ and the competences worked on will be CEM9.1,4. The intended learning outcomes are RA9.2,3.

-        Classroom practice/seminars/workshops: Theoretical discussion activities or preferably practical activities carried out in the classroom that require a high level of student participation. The competences worked on will be CEM9.1,3,5. For the student they will involve a total of ___hours. The intended learning outcomes are RA9-2,3.

-        Group tutorials: Scheduled learning monitoring activities in which the teacher will meet with a group of students to guide their work of autonomous learning and tutoring of directed work or work that requires a very high degree of advice from the teacher. 1 hour in total. RA9-1 outcomes will be sought.

-        Non-presential work: __- hours, divided between group work and individual work. All the competences and learning outcomes specified for the subject are covered.


An active and participative methodology will be followed based on knowledge through enquiry, the learning outcome must be captured in a visual and digital document for its subsequent assessment.






Clases Expositivas




Práctica de aula / Seminarios / Talleres



Prácticas de laboratorio / campo / aula de informática / aula de idiomas



Prácticas clínicas hospitalarias



Tutorías grupales



Prácticas Externas



Sesiones de evaluación



No presencial

Trabajo en Grupo




Trabajo Individual









Exceptionally, should sanitary conditions require it, teaching activities may be carried out online. Should this be the case, students will be duly notified about the changes effected.

Assessment of students learning:


Assessment instruments, assessed competences, specific weighting and learning outcomes

PRACTICAL work development




Express themselves creatively.

Participate in exhibition activities.

Careful presentation. Both in terms of spelling and expression as well as form.

Successful completion of all the proposed activities. Each practice must be passed with a minimum grade of 5 following all the given guidelines.









Develop a theoretical project based on the practical contents with didactic application in Primary Education (30 %).

Develop a glossary of terms, well documented. The documentation provided for the practice will be included in the project. (10%)

The project will include the images of all the practices carried out, otherwise the original activities will be provided.

Any sloppy or poorly presented project will not be assessed..






Participate actively and regularly in exercises and discussions.

Produce specific materials for didactics Participate in exhibitions.

Handing in all theoretical and practical exercises on the dates indicated.

These items will be assessed by means of the teacher's observation and notes.



 Ordinary Evaluation

1-     Students must present the theoretical or practical work within the established deadlines.

2-     Given the nature of the subject, it will be necessary to complete the practical credits and attend the laboratory practicals in order to pass.

3-     Each of the practical or theoretical activities must have a minimum quality, reaching a score of 5 in order to obtain an average and pass the course.

4-     The student must pass the compulsory practical work in order for the theoretical part to be taken into account, this must reach a minimum of five, only then, once both parts have been passed, will the average be calculated according to the percentage assigned to each part.

5-     All the exercises carried out in the course will be kept, at least during the academic year, and until the student passes the course, this being the sole responsibility of the student. Otherwise the marks obtained may be invalidated.

6-     The final grade will be the result of the integration of the different marks, according to the percentage assigned to each part.

7-     In order to pass the course, the final mark must be equal to or higher than five.

8-     This method of evaluation will not change in subsequent examinations.

9-     The activities of the subject will vary from one year to another, the students will have to adapt to those of the current course.

10-  Follow-up of the subject will be positively valued, through the use of the platform, the use of Microsoft Teams and/or the presence in the classroom and the constant delivery of work. Always adapting to the health situation at all times.

11-  Extraorinary assessment The marks corresponding to the different sections will be kept for the duration of the current course. If during this time the student does not pass the subject, he/she will have to take an exam for the whole subject.

12-  The assessment of the learning outcomes and competences acquired by the student, in the case of having been granted a differentiated assessment, will be carried out according to the following criteria:



Evaluation criteria


Written test of development and practical application of the theoretical contents.

50% final mark

Work (practical work in relation to the thematic blocks)

50% final mark






13-  Exceptionally, should sanitary conditions require it, assessment tests may be carried out online. Should this be the case, students will be duly notified about the changes effected.

Resources, bibliography and documentation:


ARHEIM, R. (1989).  Arte y percepción visual. Madrid: Alianza Forma. 

EL POZO, M. (2011). Inteligencias múltiples en acción. Educación Infantil en Colegio Monserrat. Barcelona: Tekman Books.

EISNER, ELLIOT W. (1995). Educar la visión artística. Barcelona: Paidós.

KERCKOVE,D. (1999) La piel de la cultura. Investigando la nueva realidad electrónica. Barcelona: Gedisa.

MARIN VIADEL, R.( 2003)  Didáctica de la Educación Artística. Madrid: Pearson Education.

WONG,W. (1980) Fundamentos  del diseño bi- y tridimensional. Barcelona: Gustavo Gili.