The teaching-learning process is a shared task in which teacher and students are involved in a joint and responsible manner: the teacher should encourage, facilitate and guide student to learn and, as an active part of this process and in addition to attending classes, you must also make commitments that involve participate in discussions, asking questions, expressing opinions, asking for guidance or suggesting new approaches and ways to improve the quality of teaching.
The methodology consists of three blocks with the following sequence of activities:
• Lectures (classroom activity): presentation by the teacher of the main objectives of a topic , developing the most important or most difficult content for students. The teachers will pose practical situations related to the contents and objectives of the subject for the students to be solved.
• Off-site work for each lecture class. Based on the teachings of the lecture classes of point 1 , students must prepare a seminar, solve a case , conduct design a study or research or propose solutions to problems or practical course raised by the teacher. It will serve to deepen the topic discussed in the lectures and applying knowledge to real situations.
• Classroom practice (classroom work) students will present and discuss, under the supervision of the teacher, the results of off-site work developed in point 2. These two hours of classroom practices will take place some tome after the lecture class to help students prepare their research and work. The activity developed in these classroom practices will assess the acquisition of knowledge on the subject by the students .
• Group Tutoring for each previous block , usually coinciding with the period prior to staff development work, to guide students on how to prepare it.
Exceptionally, if health conditions require it, non-presential teaching activities may be included. In this case, students will be informed of the changes made.