7.1 Ordinary call
There are two choices for the learning assessment process:
1. On-going Evaluation: for those students who attend and participate regularly in the different “In-Classroom” activities (Lectures, Classroom Practical sessions and Laboratory Practical sessions).
2. Global Evaluation: for those students who do not attend regularly to the different “In-Classroom” activities.
7.1.1 On-going Evaluation
The learning assessment methods for this option are summarized in the following table:
Different theoretical and / or practical individual assignments about the contents of the subject (*)
Final Exam
Laboratory evaluation (*) or laboratory final exam
Attendance control and teacher notes about the student's active participation in individual and collective activities during the learning process (*)
(*) A minimum of 75% in the attendance and participation of all the face-to-face activities is established in order to have access to the continuous evaluation system. If this participation is missing, the student will be evaluated by the final global exam.
The continuous evaluation comprises the following items:
Classroom assessment (CA), constituted by the grades obtained in (1) and (4) of the previous table: 4 points maximum. To form the CA Continuous Assessment qualification, only the marks of the assignments whose mark is at least 3 out of 10 will be added.
Laboratory assessment (LA), which is the grade obtained in (3): 1.5 points maximum. The realization of the laboratory sessions is obligatory to pass the subject.
Final assessment (FA), corresponding to (2) in the table: maximum 8.5 points. Obtaining a minimum of 30% of the maximum score is required, which means 2.5 points over the maximum of 8.5 to pass the course.
The final grade is calculated by the following formula:
Final Grade = CA + FA*(8.5 - CA)/8.5 + LA (1)
This formula allows students to "recover" and improve the marks obtained during the course in their continuous assessment.
To pass the course, the sum of the final mark (resulting from eq. 1) must reach a minimum of 50% (Final Grade ≥ 5 points), with the condition of reaching a minimum of 3.5 points in theory (Final Grade - LA ≥ 3.5 points) and a minimum of 2.5 points in the final exam (FA ≥ 2.5)
Students who have not carried out 75% of the laboratory sessions must necessarily take the final laboratory exam. The grade for this exam will be called LA in formula (1), and must reach a minimum value of 0.5 points (LA ≥ 0.5).
7.1.2 Global Evaluation
Students who are not evaluated by continuous assessment, may pass the subject by taking the tests corresponding to the final global theory exam (FA). The final mark will be obtained by adding the mark obtained in the final FA theory exam (mark out of 8.5) and the mark obtained in the LA laboratories (mark out of 1.5), so that:
Final Grade = FA + LA (2)
To pass the course it is required that the final grade reaches a minimum of 50% (Final Grade ≥ 5 points).
Students who have not carried out 75% of the laboratory sessions must necessarily take the final laboratory exam.
3 Differentiated evaluation
Students who take advantage of the differentiated assessment system will be assessed using the global examination assessment system described in section 1.2.
Due to the obligatory nature of the laboratories, students subject to differentiated assessment must contact their teacher to reach an agreement on how to carry them out. In the event that the students cannot carry out these laboratories, they must compulsorily attend the final laboratory exam.
7.2 Extraordinary calls
- If the student has been evaluated during the course by the continuous evaluation system, the grade obtained in CA and LA will be preserved.
They will have to do the final assessment FA and the grade will be calculated using the expression (1).
- If the student optes for the evaluation by global examination, he must take the theory exam. His/her mark will be calculated using expression (2).
Regardless of their form of evaluation, if the student had not been able to carry out the laboratory sessions, he/she must also take the laboratory exam.
7.3 Additional considerations and conditions
Students who have taken a number of evaluation tests such that they cannot reach 50% of the final grade will be considered not presented in the ordinary call. In extraordinary calls, only those students who attend the final evaluation tests will be considered as presented.
Exceptionally, if the sanitary conditions require it, non-face-to-face evaluation methods may be included. In which case, the students will be informed of the changes made.