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Master´s Degree in Marine Conservation
Master Dissertation
General description and schedule Teaching Guide


Yaisel Juan Borrell Pichs


Nicolas Felipe Weidberg Lopez
(English Group)
Yaisel Juan Borrell Pichs
(English Group)


The student must demonstrate the acquisition of their own and specific competences in the field of marine biodiversity and conservation, applying the knowledge acquired to solve new or little-known problems using scientific tools and methodologies. On the other hand, they must demonstrate autonomous or self-directed learning capacity and communicate orally and in writing the results of a scientific work and its conclusions.


Have demonstrated proficiency in the previous subjects of the master, in particular those more closely related to the subject of the master's thesis.


Competences and learning results:

The student must demonstrate the acquisition of their own and specific competences in the field of marine biodiversity and conservation, applying the knowledge acquired to solve new or little-known problems using scientific tools and methodologies. On the other hand, they must demonstrate autonomous or self-directed learning capacity and communicate orally and in writing the results of a scientific work and its conclusions.


All related to the subjects and theme of the Master.

MCONMARI-1-001 Genetic Biodiversity

MCONMARI-1-002 Biodiversity of Marine Trophic Webs

MCONMARI-1-003 Global Change

MCONMARI-1-004 Biological Invasions

MCONMARI-1-005 Marine Protected Areas

MCONMARI-1-006 Evolution and Biogeography of Marine Organisms

MCONMARI-1-007 Aquaculture

MCONMARI-1-008 Molecular Techniques and their Application

MCONMARI-1-009 Detection and Evaluation of Impacts.

MCONMARI-1-010 Integrated Coastal Zone Management.

MCONMARI-1-011 Geographic Information Systems and Remote Sensing

MCONMARI-1-012 Ecological Modelling

MCONMARI-1-013 Legal and Economic Aspects of Marine Resources

MCONMARI-1-014 Population Biology Applied to Conservation

Methodology and work plan:

Suggestions for the presentation of the TFM. 

We suggest that you format them by following the instructions for the authors of any of the following journals, according to topic and personal preferences:


Marine Ecology Progress Series (author guidelines at
Biological Conservation (
Marine Pollution Bulletin (

You must verify that the maximum length of the text that is required in all cases is about 6,000 words. 

This is important because it will force you to focus on what is important and significant, leaving aside the irrelevant. You will also learn to be systematic and rigorous with the formatting of papers, adapting the approach to the most suitable magazine.


Assessment of students learning:

The continuous evaluation of the tutor (30%), the quality of the Report (60%) and the quality, conciseness and originality of the presentation and defense (10%) will be taken into account.

Exceptionally, if health conditions require it, remote evaluation methods may be included. In which case, the student body will be informed of the changes made.
Differentiated evaluation: in cases with the right to duly formulated differentiated evaluation and that entail the impossibility of participating in face-to-face activities, the personal situation of each student will be taken into account and the assessment of participation in the sessions may be totally or partially replaced. face-to-face for alternative non-face-to-face tasks.

Resources, bibliography and documentation: