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PCEO Bachelor's Degree in Civil Engineering / Bachelor´s Degree in Mining & Energy Resources Engineering
Fundamental & Applied Geology
General description and schedule Teaching Guide


Gabriela Fernández Viejo
Luis Alberto Pando Gonzalez


Gabriela Fernández Viejo
(English Group)
(English Group)
(English Group)
Luis Alberto Pando Gonzalez
Rodrigo Álvarez García
Germán Flor Blanco


The subject belongs to the Basic Module and it is given during the first semester of the second year. It is divided into two parts, the first one is dedicated to provide basic general knowledge about geology and its various disciplines, and the second one, it focuses in some of the applied aspects of geology, whether they deal with the exploitation of natural resources or their management.


No pre-requisites are needed. However, it is advisable to have a basic knowledge of the principles of geology and the use of topographic maps from high school.

Competences and learning results:

With this course the competences that are expected comprise:

General competences:
- Planning and organizational abilities
- Capacity to the analysis and synthesis of information
- Solution of problems
- Team work
- Critical reasoning
- Ethical commitment
- Autonomy in learning
- Sensibility to the environmental issues

Specific competences:
- Ability to apply basic knowledge on geology to research on mining and Energy Resources Engineering and Civil Engineering

In addition, after passing the course, students are expected to:
- Understand the geological processes involved in earth dynamics.
- Have a general knowledge of the methodologies and techniques most widely used in geology (stratigraphic sections, geological maps and cross sections, boreholes and geophysical techniques).
- Acquire a basic awareness of the main geological parameters involved in engineering problems and the resources needed to deal with them.
- Be able to identify, analyze and interpret the most common problems that may arise during mining exploration and exploitation: hydrogeological problems, geotechnical problems, geological hazards, etc.
- Have a general knowledge on the main characteristics of the geology of Asturias.



1. Rocks and minerals.
2. Stratigraphic columns.
3. Geological mapping I.
4. Geological mapping II.
5. Reconstruction of structures from boreholes. Identification of mineral deposits.
6. Geophysical and geochemical surveying


Methodology and work plan:

The students need to be aware that for every hour of contact time, they require an additional 1,5 hours of their own time of dedication.

Expressed in percentage distribution of each one of the formative modalities in which the subject is divided:






Assessment of students learning:

Ordinary Call
1. Examination of theorical units: 30 %
2. Examination of practicals: 40 %
3. Evaluation of handing in practical exercises: 10 %. Assistance to lectures will also be considered.
4. Evaluation of theoretical units: 10 %. An exam after each part of theoretical units will be done. The two exams contribute 10 % to the final mark.
5. Evaluation of active involvement of the students during the course: 10 %. This refers to questions during the lectures.
Depending on the development of the course, the possibility of a practical exam liberating contents to the final practical exam can be considered.
The final mark for the course is the average between theoretical and practical contents, as long as each is above 3,5 over 10. During the same course, the marks for individual evaluation units can be kept until the last call of the academic year. Not marks will be kept from different academic years.
Extraordinary Call
For the very last examination, the extraordinary call, the evaluation will consist in two parts: theorical and practical. The mark in this exam constitutes the 100 % of the final mark.

Resources, bibliography and documentation:

- Bastida, F, (2005). Geología. Una visión moderna de las ciencias de la tierra. Vol. I y II. Ed. Trea, Gijón.
- Davidson, J.P., Reed, W.E. y Davis, P.M. (2002, 2º ed.). Exploring Earth: An Introduction to Physical Geology. Prentice Hall, New Jersey, USA, 549 pp.
- González de Vallejo, L.I., Ferrer, M., Ortuño, L. y Oteo, C.  (2002). Ingeniería Geológica. Ed. Prentice Hall, Madrid. 744 pp.
- Guéguen, Y.; Palciauskas, V. (1994) Introduction to the Physics of Rocks. Princeton Univ. Press Science, 294 p.
- Gutiérrez Elorza, M. (2008). Geomorfología. Ed. Pearson-Prentice Hall
- Keller, E.A.; Blodgett, R.H. (2007): Riesgos naturales. Procesos de La Tierra como riesgos, desastres y catástrofes. Ed Prentice Hall, Pearson Education,.
- Marshak, S. (2008, 3ª ed.). Earth: Portrait of a Planet. Norton & Company, New York y London, 832 pp.
- Orche, E., (2001). Manual de Geología e Investigación de Yacimientos Minerales.
Tarbuck, E.J. y Lutgens, F.K. (2005, 8ª ed.). Ciencias de la Tierra. Una introducción a la Geología Física. Pearson-Prentice Hall, Madrid, 710 pp.
- Jaeger, J.C.; Cook, N.G.W.; Zimmerman, R.W. (2007) Fundamentals of Rock Mechanics. Blackwell Publishing, 475 p.
- Price, D.G. (2009) Engineering Geology. Principles and Practice. Editor: M.H. de Freitas. Springer, 450 p.
- Robb, L. (2005) Introduction to Ore-forming processes. Blackwell Publishing, 386 p.
- Evans, A.M. (1995) Introduction to Mineral Exploration. Blackwell Science, 396 p.
- Hiscock, K. (2005) Hydrogeology. Principles and Practice. Blackwell Publishing, 389 p.

Other resources
Web pages, geological maps, topographic maps, mineral collections